How many days will I be admitted after giving birth?

When the time of delivery approaches the uncertainty about what will happen is maximum in every way.

We do not know how the delivery will be, how long it will last, how the baby will be, or hundreds of unknowns around us.

One of them, and perhaps one of the least important is to know how many days will the mother be admitted to the hospital after giving birth.

It is difficult to say a specific number of days, as it depends on the type of delivery, whether or not there have been complications, the hospital protocols, etc. However, we have some data, according to autonomous communities, to offer a reference to all future mothers. Average hospital stay if the delivery is vaginal

  • Valencian Community: 2.28 days.
  • Navarra: 2.58 d.
  • Ceuta and Melilla: 2.62 d.
  • Castile and León: 2.69 d.
  • Murcia: 2.73 d.
  • Canary Islands: 2.74 d.
  • Andalusia: 2.74 d.
  • Balearic Islands: 2.74 d.
  • Catalonia: 2.79 d.
  • Basque Country: 2.85 d.
  • Extremadura: 2.89 d.
  • Castilla-La Mancha: 2.91 d.
  • Galicia: 2.94 d.
  • Asturias: 2.95 d.
  • Cantabria: 3.06 d.
  • Aragon 3.14 d.
  • Madrid: 3.28 d.
  • La Rioja: 3.51 d.

Average stay in the hospital if the delivery is by caesarean section

  • Balearic Islands: 4.74 d.
  • Navarre: 4.81 d.
  • Catalonia: 4.9 d.
  • Murcia: 5 d.
  • Extremadura: 5.13 d.
  • Castile and León: 5.26 d.
  • Cantabria: 5.42 d.
  • Ceuta and Melilla: 5.5 d.
  • Castilla-La Mancha: 5.53 d.
  • Andalusia: 5.71 d.
  • Asturias: 5.71 d.
  • Basque Country 5,73 d.
  • Galicia: 5.74 d.
  • La Rioja: 5.79 d.
  • Canary Islands: 5.82 d.
  • Valencian Community: 6.34 d.
  • Aragon: 6.5 d.
  • Madrid: 7.53 d.

As I say it is not one of the major concerns of a mother, but it is curious to note that according to the autonomous community the average of days of hospital stay It can vary up to 3 days in case of caesarean section.

As always, there will be moms who will prefer to go home as soon as possible and others who will prefer to have medical support until the last moment.

Video: THE FIRST 48 HOURS AFTER GIVING BIRTH. What To Expect Physically. Tres Chic Mama (July 2024).