Wet lung in the newborn

It is one of the problems that can occur in the child as soon as he is born. The technical name of the syndrome is "transient tachypnea of ​​the newborn" . Although the name may sound somewhat spectacular, it is a temporary dysfunction.

Its main symptom is an increase in respiratory rate due to a delay in the removal of the fluid that the fetus has in the lungs.

It usually occurs in children born at term and usually by caesarean section. Since it is believed that since there is no pressure he would have received when passing through the birth canal, it favors that the liquid persists in the lung without being eliminated. Soon after birth the symptoms begin to be noticed. The baby breathes very shallowly and quickly (above 60 breaths per minute), making a kind of groan or complaint.

You can even notice that the baby tries so hard to catch air that the nostrils are opened and the ribs contract. In some cases they become bluish due to lack of oxygen. What a scare!

If the doctor and studies effectively prove that the symptoms are due to wet lung syndrome, it is necessary to place oxygen or the assistance of an artificial respirator.

The picture disappears between the first and the third day, when the liquid is absorbed, without leaving any sequels.

Video: "Respiratory Distress in the Newborn" by Megan Connelly for OPENPediatrics (July 2024).