Neonatal tests versus religion

Nebraska parents, members of the Scientology Church argue that the blood tests they want to do on their baby they go against their religious beliefs.

The tests are what are normally done to all newborns during the first two days of life.

The parents of this girl defend their right to be born in silence, one of the premises of their religion.

They believe that newborns remain in a state of pain for up to three and a half days after birth and that the blood aggravates that pain.

In any case, what they ask for in any case is to postpone the tests until one week after birth, although they prefer to avoid the tests altogether.

In the state in which they live, parents are not allowed to opt out of testing. They are currently in dispute with the supreme court that will determine whether their right to choose over the lives of their children is valid or not.

It should be clarified that the tests performed during the first 48 hours of life serve to detect a dozen congenital diseases, some fatal.

On the other hand, a Christian couple from the same state who is fond of the Bible considers their baby's blood as something "precious" and not liable to treat lightly, if using it to save their life can be considered as such.

The question is to what extent parents' beliefs prevail over children's health.

Video: Born good? Babies help unlock the origins of morality (July 2024).