Mango Salmorejo. Summer recipe

When summer comes, we all look for ideas to succeed at home with the menu and cold creams are always a good option. Today I want to teach you how to prepare this Mango Salmorejo, a summer recipe easy and tasty that the whole family will surely like.

It is a refreshing dish, with the fruity touch of mango, which in addition to its sweetness brings an aroma that goes very well to salmorejo. Further, It is a good way to get young and old to eat more fruit, almost without realizing it. You will see how they celebrate this recipe when you prepare it.

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 1/2 kg of tomatoes, 1 ripe mango, 70 ml olive oil, 100 g of hard bread, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and a touch of vinegar. To decorate, fruit pearls or the classic hard-boiled egg and chopped serrano ham

How to make mango salmorejo

In the blender, crush the tomato and mango. No need to peel the tomatoes or remove the seeds because then we will pass through a fine sieve. It can also be crushed in the kitchen robot or in the Thermomix.

In a bowl, we put the pieces of hard bread and on them we pour the tomato and mango puree passed through the strainer. We let the mixture cover the bread for ten minutes so that the bread is rehydrated.

We put all the ingredients in the glass of the blender or the robot again and add the olive oil, the salt and the vinegar and crush until leaving with a fine and thick texture like that of a traditional Cordovan salmorejo.

We leave the mango salmorejo in the fridge so that it is very cold and with the flavors well settled until it is time to take it to the table. We decorate each serving with fruit beads or cover with chopped hard boiled egg and ham as in traditional salmorejo.

Processing time | 30 minutes
Difficulty | Easy


He Mango Salmorejo is a great summer recipe that you can enjoy as a starter, as a dish for a light dinner or even as an appetizer if you serve it in small shot glasses at the beginning of a family reunion or with friends.

Video: Mango Gazpacho (July 2024).