Armani Junior controversial campaign

At a time when the fight against child pornography and sex tourism with minors is in full offensive, a fashion brand recognized as Armani launches a controversial children's clothing campaign.

Striking, of course it is. But, the image of two "lolitas" of oriental features that do not exceed five or six years, dressed in little clothes and suggestive look do not think it is the most appropriate to advertise the next collection.

The Ombudsman for the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Arturo Canalda, has denounced that he believes that “with this announcement, Armani is launching a double message: on the one hand it causes confusion in adults, who are impacted, and on the other, it confuses the children, who do not perceive that they are being announced clothes ”.

I'm not saying that all fashion campaigns for boys should have the same style of children playing, but there are thousands of ways to make an original campaign.

Your goal to talk about the campaign will be accomplished, but children are not the means to achieve it.

Although it is compared with the announcement of Dolce & Gabbana, which must have been withdrawn for promoting gender-based violence, this case is much more serious simply because they are minors.

I tend to always be on the side of creativity and things out of the ordinary, but in this case I think Armani has peeked her for pretending to get attention.

While it is true that perversion is in the eyes of whoever looks at it, one cannot accept even the slightest suggestion of sexuality in an image with children.

What do you think about the image of the campaign?

Video: Jeremy Scott sparks controversy about immigrants with new Moschino campaign - DailyMailTV (July 2024).