The mother, key to overcome the shyness of the child

In addition to genetic and environmental factors, it seems The role of the mother is essential for a child to be more or less shy.

According to a study from the University of Maryland (United States), the shyness of the child can be modified and it depends a lot on the role that the mother plays in their education.

Before parents bother, in the words of scientists, the mother is more than the father the model of socialization of the child during the first years of life.

If the child is one of those who hide under mom's skirts, cover their faces and run away from strangers, mothers can reverse this shyness situation by helping them to be more sociable.

Although they point out that a withdrawn child with an introverted personality should also not be forced to behave in a way that is not, we can encourage him to play with other children, make new friends and overcome inhibitions.

Babies show from the crib whether they are shy or not. If when a stranger approaches he smiles, and responds well to new situations, he will surely be a more outgoing child.

They say that the children of overprotective parents tend to be more withdrawn because they do not know how to cope if it is not with the help of mom or dad.

Of course, the influence that parents have on the formation of our children's personality is remarkable. And this implies a great responsibility that we must assume to educate sociable and trauma-free children.

Video: 5 Ways Helicopter Parents Can Affect You (July 2024).