Child protection will be present in the Debate on the State of the Nation

Tomorrow the Debate on the State of the Nation is celebrated, and two of the NGOs that most strongly represent children, they have sent to all parliamentary groups a document with proposals to be addressed.

Boys and girls cannot be the most affected by a crisis for which they are not responsible, and the realization of their rights must be included in the political agenda.

That is why UNICEF and Save the Children have stated that the situation of childhood occupies a space in the Debate, and also in the whole of the legislature. The objective is tackling child poverty and fighting violence against children in Spain.

Violence against children is a little known and documented reality that has not yet been perceived as a serious social problem

Preventing different forms of violence against boys and girls requires specific, adequate and coordinated attention by all Public Administrations.

For that reason, the approval of a comprehensive law to combat violence against children and establish common minimum standards for all Public Administrations in the next modification of the Organic Law of Legal Protection of Minors. In this way, early detection of these situations can be guaranteed.

The Government's commitment to establish measures to combat child poverty is also requested, providing them with the necessary resources.

On June 19, 2012, a Proposal for a Law on Reduction of Child Poverty was approved unanimously in Congress, recognizing that 'The impact of a situation of poverty on children is very different from the case of adults' .

The benefits of protecting children not only affect children and their families, but also constitute the best measure to guarantee a cohesive and sustainable society in the medium and long term

Support measures are requested from families

UNICEF Spain and Save the Children have proposed to parliamentary groups the Approval of specific measures such as the increase in the amount and the extension of the coverage of child support by Social Security, the substantial improvement in the coverage of dining and book scholarships that guarantee access to education on equal terms, and that the nutritional conditions of children in poor households are improved.

It is also proposed that access to employment for adults with dependent children be facilitated, through grants or allowances that improve their employability, together with the improvement of early childhood services (0-3 years) and their accessibility for families with fewer resources.

The focus on the protection of children's rights

To safeguard the principle of the best interests of the Child it is proposed to incorporate in the legislative and administrative practice the reflection of the norms in childhood.

Strengthening the functions and resources of the Children's Observatory, as well as strengthening the Childhood Strategy in our cooperation model, are other points of the document that has been sent to parliamentary groups. This text is called 'The present of boys and girls is the future of all', and includes proposals to be addressed in the Debate on the State of the Nation.

Video: Democratic Presidential Debate - June 27 Full. NBC News (July 2024).