Feeding during pregnancy is responsible for the intellectual capacity of the child in the future

A nutritionist warns about the importance of proper diet during pregnancy for many reasons, one of them is the guarantee that the intellectual abilities of the future baby would be the most optimal. Rosa Ortega, Professor of Nutrition at the Complutense University of Madrid, indicates that the brain of the fetus develops rapidly during pregnancy and needs the proper nutrients that allow such development.

Therefore, the shortage or the excess of nutrients are not suitable aspects for it, in fact, they are so negative that they can cause different alterations in the brain of the future baby, some even becoming irreversible. The intellectual capacity of a child is supported by the contribution of different vital nutrients such as Omega 3 acids, iron or folic acid, in short, many functional foods meet these requirements being ideal foods to include in the diet. We must differentiate between eating a lot and providing the body with a variety in which all the necessary nutrients are contemplated. Having the weight as the main concern predisposes to avoid foods that could contribute to the development of the baby very necessary and essential elements. For these reasons, the expert advises that up to four daily servings of dairy products, three to five servings of vegetables or vegetables should be contemplated in the daily diet of the future mother and remember how important these foods are, which even in the United Kingdom provides a benefit for pregnant women to consume fruits and vegetables.

The expert also recommends at least two servings a day of eggs, meat or fish, in the case of this last food, remember the study carried out in February of this year in which the need to include fish in the diet was shown to avoid various problems, all of them related to the brain. Similarly, the fruit should be included in the daily diet a couple of times and the cereals should be included up to seven times a day.

With cereals, constipation will also be avoided and anxiety can be fought naturally. All excesses or deficiencies are harmful, for this reason we always advise that it is the experts who design the most appropriate diet that allows the best evolution of the future baby.

Video: Nutrition & Fitness Before & During Pregnancy (July 2024).