Pregnant women deserve more personalized medical attention

As far as I have to live, I must say that the pregnant woman's attention regarding humanization, communication and treatment with the patient still has a long way to go.

I do not doubt that there are excellent professionals from the medical point of view, but personally House-style doctors I'm not leaving I consider that A good professional must be complementary both in the medical and human aspects.

Pregnancy is a very important stage in a woman's life. And very disconcerting, especially in the case of the firsts that arrive with so many doubts and so many fears.

Therefore, I think it is necessary for the doctor to have some skill in the treatment and put a touch of affection in the relationship with his patient. In short, the psychological aspect is a fundamental part of pregnancy. If we are worried or distressed by something, our state of stress also influences the baby.

I will tell you a little about my experience. In my two pregnancies I could feel lucky if the monthly consultation lasted more than ten minutes. I left full of doubts without clarifying despite having taken all the questions written down. I felt that I was going to do an administrative procedure rather than a medical appointment, an appointment that we look forward to being dispatched in 5 minutes.

Maybe I had no luck with the doctors who touched me, since my gynecologist (which is exceptional) was able to assist me in the deliveries (which were very good) but very rarely during the controls, in which I have traveled as a doctor in doctor. And in general, they have all been very dry and distant, both in public and private health.

The alternation of doctors makes the relationship with the patient very impersonal, which makes us feel even more helpless. Not to mention if any complications arise. I had a triple screening result (a diagnostic test) quite worrying and professional advice as well as impersonal was very cold, when we talked about something as important as the possibility that my baby could have a congenital problem.

As I said before, I may have had bad luck and having lived many years in Argentina (where medical treatment is much closer) is not accustomed to the insensitivity of some doctors, but what I find unfortunate is that we should get used to a cold deal because "it is what it is". What is there can be changed if women demand and doctors respond. Pregnant women and their babies deserve more personalized medical attention, with greater dedication to their concerns. Somewhere the change must begin to occur.

How has your experience been? Have you felt contained by the doctor? Do you think that medical treatment towards the pregnant woman could be improved?

Video: Baby+Co. Real Stories: Christa's Birth Experience (July 2024).