After nine abortions and three years of fertility treatments, her sister gave birth to her twins through surrogacy

For many couples who wish with all their desires to be parents, the fight against infertility is a very long and hard process. They place their hopes in each positive test and in each new treatment, and by not achieving it they feel that their life stops.

This is what happened to Melissa Kayser, a 33-year-old woman, who after suffering nine abortions and have undergone fertility treatments for three yearsI felt I would never fulfill the dream of being a mother. Until his sister, Lisa, volunteered as a rental belly and six weeks ago gave birth to their twins through surrogacy.

To suffer an abortion is a very difficult drink, but when abortions happen one after the other without explanation, the pain multiplies and the hopes are gradually diluted. Melissa and her husband then decided to start fertility and IVF treatments, but after three years of trying, they did not get the much-desired pregnancy.

The doctors then suggested that they consider the possibility of surrogacy through a rented belly, but he did not quite convince them that a stranger carried their babies in their wombs.

It was at that moment when her older sister Lisa, 35, had a gesture that she will never forget. He offered to gestate his babies.

"I couldn't bear to see Melissa go through loss after loss, Lisa told She just wanted to have one child. If I could help her give her a family, then I was going to do it."

Doctors suggested that two Melissa embryos and her husband be implanted in the sister, in case one of them did not thrive. But finally both of them went ahead and after confirming it with a few pregnancy tests, and spending the months of pregnancy very close, Lisa finally gave birth to two girls six weeks ago, Tierney and Ashlynn.

“There are no words to thank you for what you did. He gave a year of his life so we could have a family. ”

Via | Inside Edition
Photos | Melissa Auten (Facebook)
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