Why teenage girls stop practicing sports activities before boys

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that 80 percent of adolescents do not exercise enough and that insufficient physical activity is one of the main risk factors for death in the world.

The report 'Young woman and physical activity', from the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) and the Mapfre Foundation, details the situation by confirming that 76% of young girls between the ages of 12 and 25 do not comply with the WHO minimum physical activity recommendations, which involve at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day and activities that strengthen muscles and bones, at least three times a week.

Among boys, 59% do not reach the minimum marked exercise, which is 16.7% less than girls. Among the causes, the great academic burden. But there is more.

Fear of ridicule, between the reasons for the gender gap

The report is the result of a survey of more than 10,500 young people between 12 and 25 years old. The data talk about that the girls begin to abandon sports, mainly after the Baccalaureate, due to their maturity and sense of responsibility, a range of age older than boys.

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According to the conclusions of the report, this is because:

  • They worry more about their future and their studies than about exercising.

  • Do not find a sports offer adapted to your motivations.

  • They have less support from the family and their immediate environment to continue playing sports.

  • They think they have fewer skills and abilities for the sport.

  • They have a feeling of fear of ridicule when interacting with children in physical activities.

According to the study, led by the professor of the URJC, Fernando del Villar and conducted by researchers from the Center for Sports Studies of the URJC and the Research Observatory of the Spain Active Foundation:

"The sports offer that currently exists promotes competitiveness to a greater extent than interpersonal relationships and teamwork, two values ​​with which they identify more and which, according to the surveys, would contribute to increasing their interest and motivation towards the realization of physical activity".

Measures to promote sports

The study also reveals that the rate of abandonment of physical activity is higher between 16 and 18 years, a trend that has been maintained for 15 years and that according to researchers does not seem to change.

To remedy this situation, the report proposes some measures:

  • Plan a sports offer differentiated by gender, especially between the ages of 16 and 18, to promote the continuity of adolescent sports outside the school environment, and reduce the existing gender gap.

  • That the public administration, sports centers and clubs, among others, reformulate the offer according to the preferences of the girls, with programs that favor interpersonal relationships, overcoming acceptable challenges and that encourage the expression of personal skills and abilities, collective work and the group reward.

  • That schools encourage teenagers to be physically active (to become active adults).

  • That families are reference figures, that they are aware and transmit the benefits that come with the practice of exercise for health, as well as to increase academic performance and acquire values ​​such as responsibility and discipline.

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Benefits of physical activity in adolescents

WHO points out these reasons why exercise is vital for young people:

  • It helps to develop a healthy musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles and joints).

  • Promotes a healthy cardiovascular system (heart and lungs).

  • It teaches to control the neuromuscular system (coordination and control of movements).

  • It manages to maintain an adequate body weight.

  • It provides beneficial psychological effects in young people, thanks to better control of anxiety and depression.

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  • It can contribute to the social development of young people, giving them the opportunity to express themselves and promoting self-confidence, social interaction and integration.

  • Active young people can more easily adopt other healthy behaviors, such as avoiding tobacco, alcohol and drug use, and have better school performance.

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