Custom puzzles

Surely many of you, forecasters, are already thinking about what may be the best Christmas gift for yours. Here I found a fabulous idea, both for parents who love puzzles and for little ones. Is about some puzzles that we can customize with the image we want.

We found three versions for these puzzles: the disassembly, another also disassembled but that includes a frame and the option of the assembled puzzle. In addition, within each option there are a multitude of varieties: from the simplest (9 pieces puzzles) to puzzles for experts of 2000 pieces.

Wood, cardboard, shapes, round, with box ... there are puzzles for all tastes. The images, usually of babies, children and beautiful landscapes, are great in the puzzles that we can see as an example on the web.

To customize the puzzle, we must send the image we want, on the web you have to download a free program to make compositions and insert texts if we wish. The prices are very varied, the simplest can cost from 18 euros, and the great puzzles happen to cost more than 100 euros.

I'm desperate to assemble puzzles, I'm not fond of anything, but I know many people who would enjoy them, with complicated puzzles. But for children you have to think of simpler puzzles, which have large pieces. They are suitable from four years.

Anyway, I remind you that, if kids like puzzles, apart from these nice personality puzzles There is the option of these fun puzzle books with pages to assemble and fit ... Of course, these puzzles are not personalized like the ones we bring today.

Official Site | Your personalized gift In Babies and more | Build your cardboard puzzle chair, custom screen with photos and drawings of children

Video: Solving a $10,000 Puzzle Box - Level 10 One of a kind (July 2024).