Discounts of 20% if you present the young card upon abortion

One of the most controversial news of this month of April has been this that speaks of some clinics that promote their services with discounts for interruptions in pregnancy.

These are two Andalusian clinics and one Valencian, which perform discounts of between 15% and 20% if the woman presents the young card when aborting (15% in Valencia and 20% in Andalusia).

This card is intended for young people between 14 and 30 years old and with it discounts are obtained in many shops and services among which are, for example, photographic, aesthetic, dentists, theater and cinema, sportswear, etc. For example, a girl who wants change your car tires in a workshop that is attached to "Here yes, young card", You will also receive a 20% discount on the invoice.

Among all the services offered there are also health services, in which, in addition to offering discounts for women who want to interrupt their delivery, there are discounts for the morning-after pill at some pharmacies (10%), for ultrasounds, family planning consultations, gynecological exams, vasectomies, etc.

It is clear that the young card is a very useful tool for young people, who are usually short of resources. In this way they can get discounts on many of the services and shops they use daily and this gives such card a great value.

However, using said card (or any other element) to make discounts and rebates on something as serious and delicate at the same time as abortion is, with all the emotional burden that comes with before, during and after, it seems to me a sad way to consider abortion a simple procedure, comparable to removing a tooth, paying the tuition for a course or buying a book or shirt.

I do not know what you and you will think, but it seems to me a worrying show of lack of sensitivity on the part of the clinics, which can end up making young people end up avoiding (I hope to be wrong) everything that surrounds an act as delicate as it is interrupt an ongoing pregnancy.

Video: ERIC THOMAS. YOU OWE YOU. Motivational Speaker (July 2024).