Stories of mothers: "A blessing from God"

Today we bring you the last of our Stories of mothers, with which we celebrated during this month of May the joy and emotion of motherhood through the intense experiences of our readers.

Our protagonists are, on this occasion, Maggie and Justin, a mother and a son who overflow the sweetness of love and who tell us how they have always been accompanied by the father on earth and grandmother from heaven, since they feel that God is very present in their lives.

I am Maggie and I want to share my story since it is a blessing from God to be a mother. After going through a very difficult time in my life, such as losing my dear mother, I felt that nothing made sense anymore. I believe she and God and they sent me the little angel that I now have in company. I really did not expect it, everything happened very fast. Four months passed and I met the person who is now my husband. We had only been dating for four months and one day my partner and I suspected that she was probably pregnant. He accompanied me to do a pregnancy test and was positive. That was the happiest day of my life, I couldn't believe it. My partner was also happy because I was going to be a father. We got married when I was five months pregnant. I had a very quiet pregnancy, but after taking a prenatal check-up with my doctor I had my first appointment at the hospital where I was going to give birth. Although I was only going to review, they told me that I had very high pressure and should stay because it was dangerous. The truth is that I was very scared. During the whole pregnancy I had not felt bad. But then they told me that I could not return to my house, that they were going to schedule me for a C-section because the pressure did not go down and I also had edema. The doctors concluded that it was a preclamsia. They explained to me that they should make me cesarean, they considered that a natural birth was dangerous. I was scheduled the next day for caesarean section. It was time to go to the operating room and I was a little nervous and afraid. From the bottom of my soul I asked God and my mom a lot so that everything went well. I was eager to meet my son. Thank God everything went well and I had a beautiful child. My husband is happy and now my son is already two years old. His name is Justin, he is a very healthy and very naughty boy.

Maggie thanked us in her letter for the opportunity that Babies and more He has offered her but it is we who are especially grateful to her and the rest of the mothers who have collaborated in this series. We feel much closer to you than ever. Thanks from my heart.

Video: Single Mom (July 2024).