Children eat breakfast worse if they do it alone

As we know, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and especially for children in full growth stage. Thanks to a good, healthy and balanced breakfast, you will have enough energy to face the day. However, if adults do not pay attention to this meal, it's hard for us to worry about our children having breakfast correctly.

What I think is the height of nonchalance is to let the children have breakfast alone. Fortunately (I hope so) younger children do not eat breakfast alone, but according to a study, 30% of Spanish primary school children eat breakfast alone and worse than those who accompany them.

There are even worse data: more than 7% of children do not have breakfast (and I attest that these figures increase considerably in older children). We can already imagine how these children arrive at school and how they spend the morning. Especially if the subsequent lunch is in the form of a bun.

It all leads me to wonder, is that the future of our children's mornings? My oldest daughter will start school in September, and I still don't know how we will organize ourselves, but what I have clear is that we will have to get together so that, even if she goes to school, she is older or smaller, she doesn't have breakfast by changing the habits she now has of a balanced breakfast, free of pastries and, of course, accompanied.

And that implies spend a good time at breakfast... It is clear that hurries are not good companions for anyone when it comes to feeding correctly, and remember that for breakfast with children, you have to spend at least 20 minutes. That at best, because I don't know about you, but it takes me a while longer, favored, of course, because we don't have to leave home in a hurry.

Returning to the study, children who eat breakfast alone do it much more frequently eating industrial pastries, something that seems most comfortable, because it is much easier to eat a donut than to prepare a toast with cheese and cooked ham and peel an orange, to put an orange example.

Only 3.18% of the children consulted eat a full breakfast, which includes milk or milk products, cereals and fruits. 43% drink dairy and 38% dairy and cereals. But I can think of some healthier formulas (although more uncomfortable for parents) to prevent this from happening: get up earlier and leave a healthy breakfast prepared.

We know, industrial pastries are harmful to health if taken regularly, there are healthy and natural alternatives that, yes, need a little more time but, seeing the positive side, they are cheaper and also if they do not occur alone they become breakfast at one more family meal in which to enjoy the company of our children.

Video: Kids Tell Dads the Worst Thing They've Ever Done (June 2024).