Breeding without scourges: natural resources to prevent

Continuing with the resources parents need to learn to breed whipping and face the typical case of the supermarket with possibilities of getting out, we come to something very important and to which unfortunately parents do not usually pay attention until it is too late: prevention. In this topic today we will talk about natural resources that we have at our disposal and that precisely favor mutual trust and can help us to solve some conflict easily.

The therapist Alice Miller recommends some basic changes for people who have suffered violence in childhood, so they can control reflex impulses and raise their children in another way. Without talking about extremes or abuse, but simply shouting, whipping, insults, scorn or punishment, these natural resources they are equally applicable and can be of great help in prevention.

As I mentioned in the previous topic we can breed whipping despite not complying with these guidelines, but they are indisputably very useful natural resources, because they affect aspects of daily life that help to make the relationship of children and parents more relaxed. Go for it.

Prolonged breastfeeding

The first one that I will mention, reiterating that it is not indispensable but if very useful, is the prolonged breastfeeding. Babies and human children are naturally programmed to breastfeed not only to receive nutrients, but also to feel close to their mother, safety, calm, shelter and comfort.

The tit is a kind of umbilical cord that can be grasped when they would need to return to the mother's womb and feel loved and protected from the changing world. A nervous or sad child calms with the chest. It is available at that time and I assure you that it calms them a lot.

But breastfeeding also causes hormones related to peace of mind and love to run in the bloodstream of the mother and child: oxytocin and endorphins. Mother and son can find in nursing a shelter to go to in the moment of tension, relaxes them naturally and makes them be very close, looking into each other's eyes with love.

And I am talking about prolonged breastfeeding specifically, because emotional conflicts with our children do not end at one year of life. Being able to offer the breast to a child of two or three or four years with whom we have had a dislike or who is unbalanced is a very comfortable, simple, always ready and enormously effective resource to make us both return to calm.

After all, Nature, which is very wise, has given us the ability to breastfeed for several years and the children are naturally programmed to do so, provided, of course, that the mother is willing to do so and receives support and information. suitable to achieve it.

Mothers who do not breastfeed and parents, even if they do not have the tit, can use some tricks to try to reproduce that feeling in the child and in themselves. We will see later.

Colecho and attention in the awakenings

Another resource that helps to breed with more closeness and empathy is the colecho. Children are naturally programmed to sleep accompanied, it is something innate in our species and we have in common with the closest mammals. Human children have slept accompanied for millions of years, as many as the "Homo" has on Earth and in historical times it has also been normal for them to sleep with their parents. They continue to do so in many cultures, such as Japanese. And there is no proof that it harms them, but quite the opposite.

In the dream we have moments of micro-awakening in which, unconsciously, we verify that everything is in order. The child feels naturally protected by the closeness of his parents, feels his company even at night and feels more confident.

The sweet look of a child when he wakes up and opens his eyes looking at us full of love is something indescribable, which makes us feel serene and willing to give him all the tenderness in the world. It makes us strong and is a memory of enormous intensity to turn to when we feel we can lose control.

Babies who wake up at night can be scared even if we have "accustomed" them not to come to their side they may not even call us. Of course, even if we decide not to collect, we should never leave a child crying alone in his crib. Always come to his side, take him in his arms, accompany him. Not schooling does not mean not accompanying the child in his sleep and that, above all, is essential so that his brain is not flooded with stress hormones that can affect his emotional state and his confidence towards us.

Colechar is a useful resource, but if we don't collect what we should always do is attend to the baby or the child who calls us at night. If we don't let our son cry, be afraid or feel alone by day, at night we should do less. For him to feel well cared for, trust us and himself and know that our love does not depend on whether or not the sun looks.

To be continue

We have seen two resources that can help us to get breed whipping. Like all resources, they are not indispensable, but they are useful precisely because they respond to the natural and loving needs of our children. I intend to do a review of tricks, resources, strategies and customs that can be useful to us, with the idea that all our readers can find the ones that they can use well in their family.

Video: The dark side of synthetic fleeceSpeaking of Chemistry (July 2024).