Unicef ​​TV, new Unicef ​​television channel

Within the framework of the celebration of its 50th anniversary, UNICEF has just launched Unicef ​​TV, the new audiovisual content channel of Unicef ​​Spain. Through it, we intend that we can all know the situation of children in the world and the projects in which the organization works in more than 150 developing countries.

UNICEF works for children, helping millions of children in emergency situations and fighting for the defense of their basic rights. The news about the progress of these children can be seen through the new television channel, as well as interviews with famous people who collaborate with the organization and have traveled to the most conflictive sites.

In addition, reports, campaigns and reports from the organization are presented, as well as sections dedicated to the initiatives supported by Ambassadors and Friends of UNICEF Spain, and to campaigns and projects to raise awareness and mobilize resources.

He new Unicef ​​Television channel It also has an iPhone version and its contents can be shared through the social networks Facebook, Twitter and Tuenti.

It is a new air for UNICEF, a modernization that is very useful to make its important work more visible in the field of defending the rights of the most disadvantaged children.

Video: UNICEF. for every child (July 2024).