4Moms Origami, baby technology cart

We already told you about this curious invention a few months ago, and it has finally been put up for sale. If you are one of those who go to the last and there is no lack of technological gadget in your home or for the baby, or simply of those who make a mess to fold the cart, surely this technological stroller for babies, the 4Moms Origami, you will like.

The 4Moms Origami is an "intelligent" cart that incorporates the latest technology: it has an LCD screen, damping wheels, LED lights and mobile charger, as well as including an automatic folding system. It has just been presented in the framework of the Consumer Electronic Show held in Las Vegas and is just released.

Some of its benefits will seem more useful to us than others, but there is no doubt that it is designed for modern and comfortable parents. The Origami model is the first one folds and unfolds automatically thanks to an electrical system that is activated by a button and only when the stroller does not detect weight of any kind.

The wheels have lanterns with long-lasting LED lights to always have the cart visible at night and be able to orient yourself on the road when there is poor lighting.

The stroller has a pretty dynamic design, of course invites you to move it and move next to it. If we want to exercise carrying the cart and controlling all aspects of our ride, the stroller has a small LCD screen where we can see the distance traveled, control the average speed, the ambient temperature and check the baby's position while sitting .

The stroller does not need batteries: as it moves, the special batteries recharge. This also works, for example, to charge the mobile phone or other device (This charger plug-in is purchased separately), so parents won't lose the connection. If we plan a great ride, with greater energy demand, it can be pre-charged with a plug.

It is a stroller, but compatible (prior purchase of the accessory in question) with some models of baby carriers, for the little ones, which in this case, as it is logical, would not fold next to the structure of the cart but would be a piece Take off and put on.

The 4Moms Origami technology cart, for babies and dads to the last, at the moment it is only sold in the United States and Canada, where you can get it for about 660 euros to change, and has different accessories to complete it.

Video: Baby Strollers -Top 6 Most futuristic baby strollers that follows you. YOU won't believe. Future (July 2024).