Dad, you also count: get up also when the child cries at night

When a child is born the mother takes maternity leave and, although it can be shared with the couple, most choose to make it complete for a matter of care and comfort (since the baby has been linked to the mother rather than the father , the most logical thing is that she be the one who continues with the baby).

This sometimes causes some parents to assume that caring for the baby is a matter of the mother and that at night she has to be the one who gets up to attend to her. If what the child claims is breast, it is clear that it is mom who has to go, but sometimes she just needs a little attention, that someone mixes her a little to calm him down and sleep him and, in this case, dad can go too.

Many variables to consider

In order to make the decision, many factors have to be taken into account. There are very calm babies for the day that allow mom to be more or less rested, there are parents with jobs that require exquisite attention and concentration and need to sleep well and parents who get up very quickly, there are children who are very demanding for the day and have Mom almost exhausted, with no time to do anything and there are parents with calmer and less dangerous jobs and, in addition, there are moms who, when their children grow up, work.

With all this I mean that parents often do not think about how our women are living motherhood. If we are lucky that our son is calm enough so that the mother does not appear with messy hair, snorting and giving you the child when you arrive you will surely be able to take care of the child at night.

If instead our child leaves her exhausted during the day, she may also leave her exhausted at night if, as usual, she wakes up several times. At that moment I'm sure you'll appreciate that you take part of the baby's care. It is true that we have to work and we need to sleep, but it is also true that taking care of a child is not like taking vacations, and if you do not think for a moment what face you would make if she came and told you that “today I am leaving, you stay all the day with the child ”.

But if you breastfeed ...

Of course, if the baby takes the breast and is next to mom, schooling, or close enough for her to take care of it, the most logical thing is that most of the night is she who takes over. However, there may be times when the child is restless from heat or cold, from some unpleasant sleep, because poop has been made, and needs a diaper change, a ride in arms or the like.

If she tells us, "Go on, honey ... take care of her, that eating has already eaten," lend a hand, night father beam and attend to him. Surely she also needs to sleep for a while.

The friction makes the love

Babies are usually, as I say, more mothers than fathers, because they get used to them. Then you go at night, you take him, and the boy says no, not with you. It is usually something normal at many times because there will be times that if you are not a mom you do not want anyone else. But that does not mean that we have to ignore ourselves.

If at night you never consent to being caught maybe we are interacting little with him during the day. Taking it when we get home, bathing us, dressing it and hugging it for a while in our sleeping chest are little things we can do to smell and wave, to feel and feel, to spend time together and get to know each other more. Thus, when we go at night, you will know perfectly the arms that take you and the smell that surrounds you.

A decision of each family

I do not want to say with this entry that every parent has to wake up yes or yes at night to care for their baby, but to record that sometimes care is too unequal. To give an example or talk about the reality that will come: the months go by, the mother returns to work and, all things being equal, it is usually the mother who always attends to the child because the father is as displaced from the nocturnal relationship with the child or because he is simply used to it.

Each couple knows what time each one is and knows what the fatigue they accumulate. Each couple must decide how to act day and night and parents should try to be more than "the one who brings the money home" (many of our parents were like that), because our children count on us and, above all, because our couples also have us, or would like to count on us.

Video: Father Imitates Son Crying (July 2024).