Keys for photographing babies

We continue with our special dedicated to the photography of children and babies, focusing on today's post in the keys to photograph babies. Because if the other day we talked about restless children today we will focus on babies. The first year of life is also important in the photographic aspect for parents who like photography. But let's consider a number of keys to get better pictures.

The camera always at hand from the first moments

To all parents we excites The arrival of the baby. That's why we are a bit heavy with photographs and videos, right? But it is true that to collect some of those special moments that occur in the lives of babies there is no way to carry the camera by hand.

I remember the day of Naomi's birth, this time I wouldn't get caught off guard. The camera had been ready for days. So after we went to the hospital and everything went well, when we were already in the room I wanted to pick up some of those moments between Nuria and the new arrival Naomi. Fruit of it is the photograph that you see in the cover page.

Flash yes or no?

It depends on how we use it. If we have a camera of any kind, the integrated flash that fires directly in front of the baby turns out to be very annoying. We are already bothered by the elderly because they imagine that in their first months of life they are adapting their eyes to this new world. Obviously nothing will happen to them but it is quite annoying. Therefore, my recommendation in this regard is to avoid using these types of flashes directly.

A good solution for this is to use the natural sunlight To brighten the baby's face. For example we can place you on our bed carefully and with your face towards the window of the room. It is done. Nor is it a very intense light. Try it Or as in the following photograph in which the living room window was behind me and Naomi was in mom's arms.

However, if you have a hand flash (or torch) you can direct the flash head towards the ceiling of the room so that the light that comes out is distributed much more uniform getting a more diffuse and less intense lighting than if we direct the head towards the baby with the result mentioned above.

In case of low light or a dim light, you can go to the menu of your camera and raise the ISO value up to 800-1600 depending on the camera that is, therefore, normally at a higher ISO value, higher noise and the sharpness is reduced or the detail of the photograph. Although if we are going to share it via the web there will not be much problem since the ideal is that when uploading it to the internet we do not pass a value of 800 pixels on the wider side. The photographs, for example, of our post are 650 pixels wide at most.

The dream

Normally, and I say well, babies often spend much of the first year of life eating and sleeping. Although surely in this, everyone will have much to say.

He macro mode when they are asleep it represents a good opportunity to get closer to the baby's face without disturbing him. In this way we can capture the sleeping baby peacefully. Remember not to use the flash to not interrupt the baby's sleep. Closing the frame enough we can get photographs like this one of Bruno.

Prepared and creative photos

We can also look for prepared moments and capture some interesting photographs. You have to do it in a quiet and pleasant environment for the baby, with his stuffed animal, his pacifier or anything else that is familiar and facilitates that quiet environment. Some classical music can help to find that atmosphere.

Babies develop a lot during that first year and go through various stages discovering their own body. Naomi, my daughter, began to discover her feet towards the age of five months, from that moment I had in mind to take this picture.

For this, several shots were necessary. Specifically 25 shots (in just about 10 minutes and with a heater as it was winter), although it was quiet the posture was not adequate. I removed her diaper and left her dressed only with a wool hat. In my case, I used an external flash along with a white umbrella to have soft lighting. A similar effect I have told you and is to use the flash pointing to the ceiling. To get that frame from above I climbed a ladder while looking at me with a certain face of surprise. The result is a photo of the ones I like most of all we have of her.

In summary

The camera always by hand but with peace of mind We must not overwhelm the baby even if we want to document its first year of life. The photographs are a complement and possibly a gift that tomorrow will value enormously but the most important thing is its development right? Until the next chapter.

Photographs | Alfonso Dominguez Lavin

Video: Golden Eagle LED High Key BTS Setup for Photographing Babies and Children (July 2024).