17 ways to catch your baby in a fun video

When you have a baby you learn to force marches everything that most worried you at the beginning: "Oh, I don't know if I'll know how to catch him ... let's see if I'm going to hurt him". Nothing, in a few weeks you will be so sure that it will seem absurd that you feel insecure about something like that.

If not, tell this father, who has already found a lot of possible ways to catch his baby and shows them to you, 17 o'clock, in a fun video.

Start with the standard way of supporting the baby on the shoulder, and the same position in reverse, follow the position in which you hold with one hand to take something from the floor, which is improved if you put the chin on the baby's shoulder and the position of the Infant Jesus, improved if you rock it. Then go through the positions of stinky diaper for me and stinky diaper for you, which are followed from the beer box, the phone, dance partner, little bird on a wire, a poor man's bag and hiding the beer belly with the baby .

Then come the two variants of rugby ball and finally the show to other Superman parents and when you show other children that you have a little fish at home.

Tools, what is said useful I don't know if they are too. Some yes and others not so much, but the baby is quite motivated and the father, a native of New Zealand, named Jordan Watson, has an enviable sense of humor. And I don't say it just because of the video, is that another father tells him that he has twins and that he needs help to know and improve all the possible ways to catch them and he replies "just watch the video twice".

It is true, yes, it has left some positions that would make the video a very complete document, but we have known all new ways of catching a baby, and that is "priceless" (at least we have a slight smile, right?) .

Video: Parents Are HERO - Dad Saves The Baby From Trouble Funny Dad And Baby Video (July 2024).