Games with pencil and desktop paper

After dinner, there is little left on this day, but surely you will find opportunities to play with your children another day. For example next Friday night while you wait for the pizza to be baked, or a rainy Saturday, and even the next holidays in early December.

The point is that as I know that many times we get bored after eating the weekend, I would like to collect some of the most entertaining games to play at home. Or when we are with the grandparents, and even in the restaurant we have gone to with our uncles' uncles, because we only need paper and pencil. Do you dare ?, I say this because my selection is reduced to four ... I may not remember more, or I want to encourage you a little to tell us your experiences. Let's go there.

Drawing games

  • The blind drawing, on this occasion and in addition to pencils and paper sheets, you will need long tissues to cover your eyes. It is an activity for a group of at least five people, of which one remains standing while the rest sits with their papers and writing tools.

After covering your eyes, all who are seated receive the indication to draw certain (each player receives different instructions) objects, animals or plants, by the game director. Everyone makes their drawing without being able to look. Once the drawing time is over, all the handkerchiefs are removed from the eyes and the players must try to guess each of the other people's drawings.

Word games

  • I start (of course) with a classic: the hanged man. A game director draws the base and the lines on which the words will be written (one for each letter, adding the ones we need to represent gaps in compound words).

The rest of the participants try in turns to discover the hidden word, enunciating random letters: if the letter is in the word, it is written (as many times as it appears), if it is not started, the hangman is drawn following a sequence. Head, trunk, arms, legs, feet, hands, eyes, nose, mouth and rope.

Whoever finds the hidden word becomes a director, and if the group fails to build it and the drawing is completed, they must replay a game without changing.

  • 'Ceasefire!': a blank sheet per participant, a pencil that draws a double-entry table (6 columns and 11 rows), and many thinking heads. The first five columns are chosen and in them headings are recorded (using the first row) as 'meals', 'trees', 'decorative objects', 'cities' and animals; the sixth is reserved for the scores of each roll.

In turns and following the movement of clockwise, one of the participants decides the initial as follows: recite the alphabet for yourself and when one of the others says 'stop the fire!' Indicates the letter by which the words should begin.

For example: 'stop the fire!', 'I've stayed in the m' ... 'macaroni, (the space of trees is empty), macramé (tapestry of), Malaga, and monkey'. Each participant adds points that he writes in the right column: one point for each correct word, if there are doubts about the authenticity it is searched in the dictionary.

There is an additional rule that you can agree on: the fact that there is a limited time to finish, and that it is marked by the first one that ends, who will say again 'stop the fire!'

Strategy games

  • Bear: this time the paper must have a grid. Each participant writes (when their turn comes), an O or an S in one of the squares. Whoever forms the word 'bear' more times is the winner of the game, and when someone manages to build it once, he will have the right to repeat a turn.

The game ends when there are no more blank grids, and players decide before they start if the 'bears' are worth horizontally, vertically and diagonally ... or just the first two presentations.

Another example of strategy game with pencil and paper is found in the 'Naval Battle' of which we have already spoken on another occasion.

If you remember some of these simple entertainments with pencil and paper, you can tell us, because sometimes the fun is closer than we think, although for this you always need ideas.

Video: Pencil + Paper Windows game 2007 (July 2024).