Printable Christmas cards for gifts

Today is December 1 and that means that we are already in the month of Christmas. Surely at home you already have, like me, several gifts for your children and couples and surely you have thought of identifying them in some way more original than writing directly on paper and more original than using Post-its.

If you are one of those people who want to decorate the gifts in a more original way than the resources mentioned, you may like these printable christmas cards, very useful for identifying gifts.

Most of them bring only one drawing and let our imagination run free to dedicate the gift to whoever we want and how we want, writing in front or behind.

The operation is very simple: click on the image below to enlarge it and you print it on paper that you think is best (plain paper, cardboard, ...). Then you cut the labels you want and attach them to the gifts with a string or thread.

Video: Printable Christmas Card and Gift tag DIY - link in desc (July 2024).