Learning to share toys and take turns

When a baby is born, it takes time to become aware of yourself and your surroundings. At the beginning he begins to discover his own existence through his actions, but also in our interaction with him. It will take some more time in being interested in people outside the family and a little more in learning to play with friends.

When this moment of play comes with other children, the first rifirrafes for toys and when establishing shifts. Used to being the center of the universe, it is not very funny to have to share prominence and yield to the demands of other children.

In my case, from a very young age I have accustomed the child to the presence of friends at home, organizing afternoon snacks on weekends, so he has been 'motivated' to lend his entire cast of toys with the reward of receiving These nice visits and spend a fun afternoon. And as the other mothers also organized these meetings, all the children enjoyed new toys for them and learned to share.

Discovering different ways to play

If you don't have children your child's age in your closest environment, you can try taking him to toy libraries or workshops where in addition to interacting with other kids, you will surely learn a lot of other things.

Also now that Christmas is approaching in many cities they are organized at the institutional level activities aimed at children, where they can play in a different context and learn by observing the behaviors of other children. In the end, how you learn the most is imitating.

It is also in group activities where shifts and queues are established, since everyone cannot perform the same tasks at the same time. The sooner you learn that you have to live in society and that to avoid conflicts you have to respect some guidelines and rules, before socialization will occur and before you will enjoy the benefits of group membership.

It's not about the child losing their own identity, Each child is unique, exclusive and it is not necessary to force him to acquire these guidelines in reprimand tone. It is that the little one appreciates the fact of sharing as positive and that the wait in the establishment of shifts is not anxious or unpleasant, can be entertained by observing how the other children do or taking advantage of that time to play other things.

Socializing through toys

Within the whole variety of toys and always taking into account the stage of development for which they are directed, some of them can be a perfect excuse to promote these social values ​​of sharing or setting shifts; As always, learning while having fun is undoubtedly the best option.

Toys, such as those of roles with different characters, such as The Mickey Mouse House where children can become their favorite characters and interact with each other; games that require more than one person such as the Boot Boot Ball, ideal for establishing 'throwing' turns or musical instruments such as the Piano Learning that will encourage them to form a band.

Definitely, It is essential that children have fun learning, but ideally, learning through play is done in all areas, to that the development be complete on a physical, cognitive, social and emotional level.

In Happy Learning | His first visit to the children's library: the magic of stories

Video: Learning Friends: Fox And Penguin Take Turns (July 2024).