What will children play this year?

In the middle of last month, the 110th edition of the American International Toy Fair was held, organized by the Toy Industry Association (TIA).

This organization represents the companies involved in the sector, and its members account for 85% of the annual toy market in the country.

The fair has shown The main product trends for children of all ages. Some of them are retro toys, which are intended for teenagers, as well as art games and crafts inspired by television programs. Now we are going to review them all: according to TIA experts (if my son were reading this I would wonder what Mortadelo and Filemón have to do with toys, but I still), the main trends in toy manufacturing for this year are:

Retro toys

Toy companies look back to the basics and there are a lot of nostalgic, vintage and classic toys. This trend surprises children and makes parents nostalgic, sure.

Children, parents and grandparents play together

Inspired by popular culture

There is a whole range of toys, games and crafts oriented to develop skills through various areas such as cooking, fashion or design. They have been inspired by television programs that celebrate the creativity, talent and skills of the contestants.

There is also a more fluid integration of technology in toys, which is a great achievement for the toy industry, which has managed to incorporate technological advances in its products, while retaining the traditional game patterns that both like the children

The possibility of playing at all hours

On certain occasions, children value power take your favorite toys with you, and for that they can choose those that are portable and compact. I am talking about toys that have compartments to store (for example a part of a doll's house that can be used to carry along and keep small details).

In this section, the toys that can be carried in the car (small dolls, miniature reproductions of bicycles, etc.) are also valuable.

There is no childhood without building games

This type of fun is ageless, and as a result of the trend keeping, manufacturers are diversifying existing construction lines.

This category of games grew almost 20% in the United States, and was one of only two that increased its volume of offer in Spain, during 2012.

The entry of new companies in the sector is also observed, with the aim of creating products for children of all ages, interests and abilities.

What do teenagers play?

Surely many of you have assumed that from an age, children are no longer interested in toys and prefer more video games and technology. But do we really know what they need?

today manufacturers are rsponsoring the concerns of many preteens and teenagers, who are looking for something more than screens. For these older children, traditional board games, outdoor / sports toys, and licensed figures with some of their favorite characters are offered.

The advances applied to the gaming industry

Technologies and new production techniques can enrich game time, advances find application in all types of toys. Here interactive experiences, augmented reality, etc. come in.

And finally, TIA trend experts know that when brands celebrate significant anniversaries, or when they become the extension of successful films or brands, they have good reception.

Do you think any of these trends fit the needs of your children?

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Video: Children speaking about the importance of play (July 2024).