Richard Turere is the boy from Kenya who made an invention so that lions would not kill their cows

Richard Turere he tells it in TED and the conference is exciting. Explain in detail how the Maso kids have to take care of family cows between 6 and 10 years old so when, at night, the lions jumped the fence and ate them, disappointment and anger grew in Richard. And he hated lions with all his might.

Until a system was invented that allows to repel the beasts and thus be able to maintain the ecosystem and, above all, stop hating lions. And he already has a few installations of his invention in the community, he has also managed to accept it by a local school to learn more and a future awaits him as a pilot, it is his desire, while he wants to continue making inventions for the community. Richard is an extraordinary example that children's imagination and creativity is impressive and they deserve the resources to develop it..

The conference is very exciting because you can see the absolute lack of resources of our protagonist and his community. I love him like Richard, with two years of experience after implanting his invention, it is expressed in TED in detail and makes a great conference that includes even a sketch of his invention and above all, shows a huge passion for his future.

Video: Richard Turere: My invention that made peace with lions (July 2024).