Tips to enjoy your pregnancy on the beach

A summer pregnancy can be a very pleasant experience, but it is also true that throwing yourself on the beach with an important gut has nothing to do with those maiden summers roasting us in the sun with no more concern than moving from the beach bar to the hammock and the hammock to the shore.

Pregnant the beach is something else, really, but you can also have fun following these tips to dissolve your pregnancy on the beach.

When and how

Of course the most pleasant hours to escape to the beach in an advanced state of gestation are soon in the morning or at sunset, to avoid the hottest hours and the strongest sun.

The last hours of the afternoon are also the best to prevent the downturns we are so prone to during pregnancy.

If, despite our bellies, we dare to challenge the beach during the peak hours of noon, it is always appropriate to ensure an adequate shade.

Bikini or swimsuit

With proper precautions there is nothing wrong with looking pregnant and gut in a normal bikini but it should be borne in mind that very strong light can bother the baby's sleep rhythm in the gut.

In addition, when the skin is already very tight the risk of sunburn in this area is greater so we must apply cream with a high protection factor frequently.

If we are going to be in the sun on the beach in the central hours of the day, a flattering maternity swimsuit that allows us to cover the gut will be our best option.

Water, our element

Dehydration is perhaps the biggest enemy of pregnant women on the beach. We must always remember to bring plenty of fresh water and drink frequently.

Seawater is ideal for alleviating edema, cooling and reducing fluid retention. Do not deprive yourself of swimming in the sea and walking along the shore.

Facing the sun

The hormonal status of pregnant women also affects the production of melanin in the skin. It is possible that when taking color appear gestational chloasma and other sunspots so it is convenient to apply creams with the appropriate filters.

The sun exposure also obscures the dawn line that some women show on the abdomen, so if you prefer to avoid it, it is better to opt for a swimsuit that covers the gut.

The indispensable

One of the biggest challenges of a stint on the beach is the posture to adopt. Getting up, sitting or lying on the sand can become risky sports in the last months of pregnancy.

For me the best option, more worthy than rolling from the hammock to the sand, are the folding chairs of a lifetime. They provide us with adequate rest for our battered backs without turning up a titanic task.

The sunday umbrella is also a great ally of the pregnant woman to give us the shade that we will surely appreciate to remember the sun and the heat.

Like fish in the water

Swimming in the sea is an excellent sport for pregnant women but always taking extreme caution. On the one hand we must avoid that strong waves hit us in the gut or back.

It is also not advisable to get too far from the shore since during pregnancy it is common to suffer leg cramps that could make it difficult for us to return to the mainland.

With young children

All these tips are very good but what happens when in addition to wearing a beautiful belly we carry other small children? The thing is complicated. Much. Particularly if any of the children do not swim yet fluently.

In our case, with four girls and an eight-month pregnancy, we do not give up the beach that girls enjoy so much but I am always accompanied and try to avoid getting in and out of the water with one of the little ones in my arms.

Following these tips you can enjoy your pregnancy on the beach without taking any unnecessary risk.

Video: How to look good in your pregnancy photos MATERNITY PHOTOGRAPHY ideasblush With Me PARMITA (July 2024).