Glued to video games all day? Some different options

Every time I am less surprised, although it still seems appropriate, see younger and younger children with their faces glued to video games. That is why we are going to see some options that we can offer them before they fall into the grip of these devices, which although they can entertain them for a little while, they are not beneficial for their development if they are used with addiction.

Yes, they are tips that need our action, and is that our company will always be better than the video game, and although many times today it is difficult to dedicate a lot of time to the little ones, surely this will be the most valuable of our times to enjoy it with them and teach them to have fun and grow as people.

  • The most wonderful of the options, play outdoors. We can include them in their games or start them so that they enjoy themselves alone. traditional games like the rope, the hiding place, the tello ... or other fun and original games that come to mind. A good, original snack, that goes a little out of the day, can help you take that step in a fun way.

  • Let's read with them. Sharing moments of reading, whether from comics or small illustrated stories, will make you get carried away by your imagination and enjoy fun and original stories.

  • We can also encourage them to create craftsAlthough we have never been experts in it, on the web we can find many easy and practical ideas to share with children. They do it at school, and they love it, how can they not like to color, cut, paste, decorate ... at home with us? Here you can find some ideas.
  • Give them company, chase them, that they are not alone: ​​if we cannot, or need some time, the company of another adult, grandparents, cousins, friends ... can offer alternatives to video games.
  • Let them help us with housework. That homemade work for which they give us a break if they are entertained, many times with the video game, can become our ally. They can help us with simple tasks, and they love to feel useful in this way by imitating the elderly.
  • Teach them that there are many different options to games on the Internet. To do this in Babies and more we always give you ideas of educational and entertaining web pages where they can read or create their stories to color or learn math in a fun way.
  • At the time of the game, present several options: There is not only the world of videogames: other traditional or modern toys and games can capture your attention and help you entertain, have fun and learn. They just need to know that they exist.
  • Also at leisure time in general, present several options: from the practice of a sport Even a cultural visit can be very pleasant.
  • Share TV moments with them. All the little ones have their favorite programs, which enchant them, you have to enjoy them with them so that they do not feel alone and seek "refuge" in another little box, that of the video game. But be careful, let's not fall into the same addiction as with video games: TV time also has to be selective and limited.
  • Let them, on certain occasions, be the ones who choose their toys. Surely there is something that catches their attention in the toy store, they don't have to be electronic and it will be their own choice: they have to take advantage of it!
  • If in the end they will play the video game, you have to control the time they do and set limits, let them see that they are not alone with the device and of course ask friends and family not to give away new games for this type of entertainment. No one better than parents to consider when it should arrive and what the new game should be.

In any case, as always the use of video games does not have to be harmful if they are used sparingly, in limited times and of course these are games appropriate to the age of the child. Therefore we must not forget the decalogue for a responsible purchase of video games.

Video: A Man Played Video Games Nonstop For 73 Hours. This Is How His Organs Shut Down. (July 2024).