DeCuentos, an interesting application with video-stories for children

There are children's stories for all tastes, for each child and for each family. Some will prefer them from fairies, others from fear, others everyday, popular, cults ... Good stories include educational and poetic elements and also for children, illustrations play an important role.

Whenever we tell them to us in a loud voice, we must also take care of the intonation, the rhythm, the punctuation… It is not about being an expert storyteller, an art, but about developing a certain ease when telling stories, read or improvised.

The application we are talking about today offers another possibility for children to access stories, for specific moments in which we want them to listen and watch a story told by another person. DeCuentos is an application for smartphones and tablets which collects a lot of story videos.

These videos can be viewed on the device or downloaded to have them available at any time and without the need for an Internet connection. There is a wide selection, in which stories well known by children stand out, others that reinterpret the usual narratives and others less popular but equally endearing.

There are even some stories in English and in French, for children who know these languages. "The presumed little mouse", "Little Red Riding Hood and the traffic code", "Elmer the elephant", "The three little pigs", "The mouse and the winds" ... are some of the videos we found, made with various techniques.

Some with the narrator or narrator present, in some they hold the book and turn their pages for small viewers to see, or it is introduced a scenario that dramatizes the story with different elements ("The Zebra Camila"), even with a theater of wink ("The ten skeletons"), puppets ("The most beautiful egg in the world"), in others only part of the body is seen ("The enchanted forest") ...

The application is available for Apple and Android devices through their respective online stores, Google Play and App Store, and they are adding stories, poems, riddles ... every so often.

The DeCuentos application that collects video stories for children It has been launched by the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation, created by its International Children's and Juvenile Book Center. An initiative that we applaud because the importance of oral narration is also claimed by the new media, and our children love it.

Official Site | GSR Foundation In Babies and more | Readings to grow, an interesting selection of books for children, KidsKioske, application of bilingual stories for children

Video: Chicken Little - Story Time for Kids at Cool School! (July 2024).