GTA is not played at home: applying the precautionary principle

In fact, none of the previous versions are played, although it must be said that practically the previous deliveries were eclipsed when a year ago a video game that has cost much more than many Hollywood movies, arrived at the stores, in which the Reservations had accumulated for weeks.

Before analyzing a little why I think it is not suitable for young children, and even for preteens, it is worth mentioning that it is listed as PEGI 18 (ie for adult audiences), and in the United States with the M (“Madure”) seal. As with Slenderman, I do not see why my children who do not have responsibilities or abilities of older children should be able to buy this game.

It's not that it's outdated, it's it simply seems very inappropriate to encourage or allow children to burn stages... in this case viewing content for older people. What will there be who says "is that as a child I have played violent video games and now I am an adult made and right" ?, well look, first of all I doubt that adults today with 9, 10, 11 years, were accessing these contents: I say with that age, and I speak specifically of the Grand Theft Auto / GTA (below I speak in detail).

Second, the degree of affectation, and the consequences (or non-consequences) of overexposure to violence, are not sufficiently studied so that we can say I am sure that yes (or not) affects them; So for my part I apply the precautionary principle.

There are many games for younger children that They are attractive, worth mentioning, and they can spend hours and hours of fun (Disney Infinity, Minecraft, or Lego Marvel Super Heroes ... are just examples). If we buy them the GTA V, they will leave the others aside and will want to immerse themselves in a place where foul language, violence and "everything is worth", are at ease; If they have older games, they will say they get bored with children's games, it is logical.

You can't be tolerant of everything

And I say that in my house it is not played as I say that my son has occasionally gone to friends to play, today if they play with a game console in a place where that game is, they will play him, not another, there is no more. And to get around this situation, what I do is forbid him from going to these children's homes during the week (prohibitions are sometimes good), and ask him to return at a certain time when it is Saturday or Sunday.

In favor of the group of friends and neighbors, I must say that when they have free time they spend it mostly on the street, although the vision that my son can be about two hours trying to commit virtual crimes, I do not quite like.

(I doubt anyone on the planet has not seen a video presentation of the Grand Theft Auto, but just in case, as a button shows)

That I do not like it?

I almost start with the “what I like”: the truth is very well done, but His success among the youngest is not that (or not only that), because the possibility of burning vehicles with people inside or of shooting the nudists seems to catch the children, who have fun with it. Yes, okay: the police pursue bad actions, and not only can evil be done, but also collaborate with the authorities ...

But what are we talking about? Children discover on YouTube and the forums the tricks for not being caught, and what they like is to shoot, not help; if you also add to what we talk on many occasions about children who are alone at home (alone with his friends but without parents), or whose parents seem not interested in what they see, it seems that we are facing an explosive cocktail. Don't tell me it's not worrisome.

And I return to what I do not like: in my opinion it is a game not only violent, but as protagonists has three criminals with a long history behind them (it is therefore not comparable to military strategy games). The (anti) heroes They are rude, a macho macho, and well, what they want to get they plan to get it at whatever price. Fun takes precedence over values, I'm afraid, and in what way!

Do we educate

Neither on the console, nor on television, nor on the Internet ... I do not tolerate extremely vulgar, or extremely violent, or pornographic allusions.

My children are not two vases that I bought to decorate the room, they are people in development and their father and I have responsibility over them.

I don't criminalize the GTA, I don't say it's the cause of all the evils in the world, it is visually very attractive and for me it has nothing more to hook, well yes: the possibility of moving to see exactly what the protagonists do in different parts of the city (amazing as the video game industry advances). It is suitable for other tastes, everyone can choose.

But now we are talking about children, how they "become" Michael, Trevor and Franklin, and how perform misdeeds to control brothels to profit (ie pimps put another way), yes, maybe after a good action like freeing a woman from her abuser.

As in education for a healthy use of social networks and instant messaging, parents must intervene in certain issues

The child who is forbidden to play these games, comes to that situation by his parents, not because he puts on the cover a minimum age to enjoy it. The rankings are fine to guide, but they are of little use when one does not bother to analyze what the game is about, or when one is not able to resist the pressure of the insistent child.

I conclude with an idea: when it occurred to me to tell you all this about the GTA, I found a post in one of these sites for gamers, and although I can't link it because I lost it, it struck me as a man (by how he spoke he seemed young ) explained that on one occasion the grandmother of a child was raised in the same store, just before buying the GTA V. That little one was very lucky, although he believes just the opposite (I imagine); Believe what my son today, that I am going to annoy her because my fault will be children who do not buy that game.

I think the key is that: make us aware, and think that nothing happens to say NO, nor does it happen that our children will not have a game for adults now ... The world does not end tomorrow, and they will have more than enough time. Without reading studies I know that the effect is not the same in adults as when they are still small. Because they do not have maturity they do not drive, they are not part of a jury, they must not take drugs either (they do not affect the same ages as others), etc.

Finally I finish: GTA V supports the possibility of online multi player mode (with many more options); and my son asks me to tell that there are no children, pregnant women or the elderly in any of the environments, this could be to give a kinder touch perhaps to the game, what less! At least so we will not see babies flying through the air , it is to be thankful.

Images | BagoGames, Small Games Blog.

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