Four things that could have saved me a lot of money

One of the things we don't measure when preparing the arrival of a new baby is shopping. In my case, with two children under my belt, it could be said that at least with the second one I would have saved the typical purchase you make and then it is useless, or rather I should say that we do not use it more than a couple of times , but it is not so, I am sure that the number of children you have does not matter, something will have to buy more.

These are the purchases that, in my honest opinion, one could have saved a lot of money.

A new car

There will be someone who tells you, as soon as you show the baby sign in sight, that that car you have is not going to serve you and that you will have to change it for the last nine-seater minivan that has gone on the market, with television, cd, dvd, console and internet, apart from the basic 250 horses.

Ok, I understand that, especially in the case of men, although I know that women do not go far, we are looking for a good excuse to change our old car, at least in those cases where our car is more or less normal, But in many cases it is simply that, an excuse to change cars.

You will have a baby that will measure about 40cm on average and will spend three or four kilos, where are you going with a micro-bus? It is worth that in the first months all the paraphernalia that accompanies the baby makes you believe that you are going to need a minivan and the box of a seven-axle truck, but the truth is that it is not for much and also they will only be a few months , so it is very likely that if you already have a large car (and even some medium ones) it is more than enough, for now.

Ask yourself this too:

Are we going to make long trips? You may be compensated for the option of traveling by train or plane.

How much power do I need? I know that many of us like that "the more the better", but in many cases, although less than they should be, the majority of drivers who are parents are driving at speeds lower than they did before they were. So perhaps with a less powerful engine is enough.

Who said that a baby chair does not fit in a coupe? I attest that you can take two chairs in a three doors, it is uncomfortable I recognize it, but scabies with pleasure ...

Baby shoes that don't move

If the babies that go with shoes are cute and you are sure that you will put them on yours, I advise you to go first and see the price they have. Come on with what you save you put bodys for at least two seasons.

And all for purely decorative shoes. Do not talk about qualities, closures, ankle grips, etc. If the baby does not pose the foot does not need more than a mere ornament. I'm not saying don't buy any of them, it's not that either, but keep in mind that you buy an ornament rather than a "real shoe".

Designer underwear

I love t-shirts and bodys with messages from those of the "nasío pá llorá" type, I bought a few of mine. The problem is that as its name indicates it is "inside" and therefore it doesn't look, unless you are going to change your clothes and of course we are the usual ones, so as we do not buy some that put "heaven, buy potatoes" or "do not forget to put cream" do not make much sense to pay more for them, although if I have another I will continue to buy them.

Mattresses with technology worthy of CERN

I remember when we went to buy the mattress for the crib of the first of my children, first disappointment, the mattress is sold separately. Don't laugh, I thought it was a pack (especially for the price). Well, looking at mattresses, we realized that there were all kinds of them and of course, there are prices from the cheap ones of foam as they were on which I slept, from springs, viscoelastic, with aloe-vera, with atomic system, anti -Lock, etc.

Of course, with something as basic for you as a mattress, you will not choose the cheapest one, so you buy one with more features than your mobile and that has cost more than what you have in your own bed. For what? Well so that your son does not sleep all night and in the end you have to collect or stay roque within three seconds of falling on the fluffy lap of his grandmother (cutting-edge technology of a lifetime) or in the stroller .

I do not doubt that certain types of mattresses work and help our baby sleep better, but in normal cases it is better to use common sense.

Video: 16 Expensive Things You Need to Buy to Save Money (July 2024).