"Nicolas has two parents": the book on diversity that has raised blisters. And you do you think?

The Chilean Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement (Movilh) presented a children's story last week for children from four. As you can imagine, it is about sexual diversity and homoparental families; It is a children's text that everyone (children and adults) can learn.

In the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile - where the book was presented - there were representatives of national and international politics, as well as directors / es of nursery schools, and many interested persons

The story that aims to "normalize" homosexual families with children, while promoting tolerance ... and do not believe that I have trouble using the word "normalize", precisely because I think that a society is richer the more diverse it is, and I do not believe that there are a priori more normal family structures than others. But I get to the point: "Nicolás has two parents" has great social acceptance, but has been rejected in social networks by ultra religious and homophobic groups.

For example, in ACI press we have read that Fr. Francisco Javier Astaburuaga (priest and doctor of canon law), ensures that the story seeks to impose an anti-family ideology. In addition, Acción Familia (for an authentic and strong Christian Chile) alarmed its followers by ensuring that the text “has been promoted by the gay lobby for 500 kindergartens in the country”… no comment.

Anyway, this search for "demons" seems to me to be a fundamentalism that scares. The icing on the cake was put back by Mr. Astaburuaga when he claimed that the distribution of the story was nothing more than a direct attack on children in their early childhood, pretending to legitimize homosexual behaviors. And the thing does not end there because although it is softened by indicating that you can accompany and even respect gay people, "It must be understood that their acts are morally illicit". In this regard, I refer you to the definition by the SAR of the word "moral": Science that deals with good in general, and human actions in order to their goodness or maliceDoes the author of the statements believe that the Movilh initiative goes against the general good?

Despite everything, the book is in high demand

Movilh says that in the distribution priority are kindergartens (what is here the first and second cycle Infant Education); although DIBAM libraries, Sename residences, and many individuals interested in reading it to their children are also asking for it (here you have it online, if you're interested).

What can be wrong with a story in which Nicholas tell how happy he is living with his two parents who love him and take care of him? How can it disturb a child's mind to know that the protagonist's parents get along very well with the biological mother? Why do we strive to see with a dirty look a familiar reality that is not ours but also has a place among us?

Plato used the "myth - it is more an allegory than a myth - of the cave" to explain people's position on knowledge; and that is what has come to mind, because prejudices prevent us from knowing, and the chains (which we stand alone) only let us see the shadow of reality. But that is very poor, and prevents a harmonious social coexistence.

“Nicolás has two parents” does not attack any children, but says "look: there are other families that are different from yours, but you can learn from them without fear. Unlike RN Senator Manuel José Ossandón, I don't think the book is empty of teaching for children.

But I go even further: it is false that the book is going to be compulsory in children's education as it has been affirmed by some sectors, since from the Chilean Government, it has been reported that Each educational community can determine whether or not to use the book. It will be the parents or guardians, and the educators, who decide, so what are we talking about? Why so much stir?

There is still a way to go

I understand that in a country where homosexuality has historically been taboo, the issue is raised as an open debate, which should only serve to calm down, not to alter them. Even today, negative attitudes towards homosexuality persist in that place of the South American west coast, there is nothing more to see the reactions provoked with the story.

Anyway, it doesn't happen to me like the senator mentioned above, I do know children who have parents of the same sex; I miss a lot the ignorance, considering that 10 percent of same-sex couples declare having children in Chile.

I want to congratulate the Movilh, and the authors of the book, which has been written by Leslie Nicholls and the president of Movilh, Ramón Gómez; Illustrated by Roberto Armijo and designed by Gonzalo Velásquez. And congratulate them also for breaking a spear for gender equality in custody, since a story of two men, and not two women, is presented.

They say that soon more stories will come, and what you do not know - but I tell you - is that the organization in its struggle for the acceptance of diversity, had already reached the universities in the 90s, in 2002 to secondary education, and in 2008 to the basic.

Video: Tee Grizzley - "Satish" Official Video (July 2024).