The UK will fine those who smoke inside the car when there are children

The level of pollution that is generated in a car when a person smokes is three times greater than the limit considered acceptable by WHO. A smoker chooses it, but children are exposed to the harmful effects of cigarette smoke without any protection.

Therefore, the United Kingdom has wanted to protect minors in this sense fine, as of October 1, to those who smoke inside the car when there are children. A necessary measure, but that seems a lie that should exist, since a father should put forward the health of their children and avoid smoking in front of them in such a small space.

Raise awareness rather than ban

In public spaces, it is something that has also been regulated in Spain, where smoking is prohibited in playgrounds, bars and restaurants, places where children were inevitably exposed to bad smoke.

But of course, in the private sphere as private cars and homes, the application of the ban is much more complicated because it is intimate spaces where it is the parents themselves who impose behaviors according to their criteria.

Any adult who disobeys the law that will enter into force in the United Kingdom will be fined 64 euros. As long as he is caught by cameras or by police officers, because as in everything, he who wants to smoke will continue to do so inside the car with his children behind waiting for anyone to see him.

It seems to me a good measure, because I believe that the more the fence is closed to smokers, the better, because others do not have to smoke what they smoke, let alone children who are especially susceptible to the toxic substances of tobacco.

But I also think that you should raise awareness from another side so that it is the parents themselves who decide not to light a cigarette inside the car when they go with their children. Besides that it is a distraction with accident risk. What do you think? Would you like it to be banned in Spain too?

Video: England, Wales ban smoking in cars with children inside (July 2024).