How to detect, prevent and treat diaper rash

You notice that your baby is somewhat restless. You changed his diaper and discovered that the skin of his ass is flushed. Don't worry, don't be alarmed. It is probably a diaper rash, a very common skin irritation in children up to 15 months. The Spanish Association of Pediatrics estimates that between 7% and 35% of infants have ever suffered from this condition.

This dermatitis, which affects the area covered by the diaperIt is usually caused by skin irritation from prolonged contact with urine and feces. In fact, its incidence is four times higher in children with diarrhea. It can also cause this rash excessive moisture, increased pH in the skin, rubbing with the diaper or that it is too tight. We give you the keys to recognize, prevent and treat This type of rash from the experts of Eryplast, a product recommended by pediatricians that is only for sale in pharmacies and parapharmacies.

Suspicion of bright redness

Diaper dermatitis usually begins with an outbreak of bright redness on the skin. And if left untreated, it can lead to a bacterial infection and peel the skin and appear blisters or ulcers depending on the degree of infection and the bacterium that superinfects (usually Candida albicans). It can appear on genitals, buttocks and thighs. Your baby is likely to be more irritable and complain or cry when you are changing her diaper. This skin condition does not spread to the rest of the body or cause fever.

The best prevention: clean and protect

To prevent cleaning is very important and change the baby immediately. In addition to this, water paste also acts as a fundamental prevention by creating a film that does not allow dirt to reach the baby's bottom. This product forms a protective barrier against moisture and rubbing with the diaper, while allowing perspiration, Lutsine experts explain. To do this, it must be applied at each diaper change, after washing the area with warm water and a neutral soap and drying without rubbing.

Zinc Oxide to relieve and treat

Your little one had never been so irritated, but don't be scared, it's nothing dangerous. In general, diaper dermatitis is cured at home. He zinc oxide It is an excellent protector, astringent weak and with certain antiseptic properties. To relieve and treat, products based on zinc oxide or petroleum jelly help keep moisture away from baby's skin. They are applied at each diaper change, either an ointment or paste to the water like Eryplast. These types of products are also used to prevent dermatitis, because they form a protective barrier between the skin and the diaper. After application and care, the baby will be much better in two or three days. If after this time you verify that it does not improve or even worsens, it may have been infected and the doctor will prescribe some antibiotic cream.

No wipes or ...

When your little one suffers from diaper rash, forget about the comfortable wet wipes to clean him and everything that contains alcohol or fragrance, since they could irritate his skin even more. Avoid the sun when with the culete in the air. Talcum powders are discouraged in skin erosions, because they could cause granulomas due to foreign bodies, explains the Spanish Society of Pediatrics. Do not apply ointments with antibiotics, antifungals or corticosteroids if not recommended by the pediatrician.

Diaper dermatitis is the most common skin problem in infants and young children, but it also affects adults who use diapers. The treatment is the same. Tell us, what do you do to calm your son when his skin is irritated?

Video: Diaper Rash Dos & Donts (July 2024).