The shocking photo of a child: “I am homosexual and I am afraid of my future and of not liking people”

Sometimes I wonder: what world do we live in? And I choose not to answer because I could spend hours, days and weeks trying to analyze it, without being able to arrive at a clear answer. Of course, without being able to reach it, I can say that something we are doing very badly if a child can feel like the child you see in this picture.

This is a child, a native of New York, whose image is going around the world with a brief message, but of course: “I am gay and I am afraid of my future and of not liking people”.

The story behind the photo

The photo was published 3 days ago on the Facebook page "Humans of New York", where photographer Brandon Stanton hangs photos of people from the city, with their stories, experiences, concerns and joys.

In this case, the photo is especially impressive because it is a child who is suffering now and who is having a very bad time for his future, because he feels different and thinks that nobody is going to accept him. He feels like a weirdo and suffers an inner struggle too big for him.

Thousands of messages of support

The child has received, through comments, thousands of messages of support. Even the candidate for the presidency of the United States, Hillary Clinton, has wanted to put her bread crumb for the cause:

Your future will be incredible. You will surprise yourself of what you will be capable of and the incredible things you will do. Find the people that love you and believe in you, there will be many people.

And I especially liked the most voted message right now, by one José Daniel Castillo, who tells him the following:

When I was little, being gay was the only thing with which I could define myself. I was not kind, intelligent or funny. I was gay… Now that I have grown up I have understood that I am much more than a homosexual. Learning to see myself as a kind, intelligent, sometimes funny guy, who by the way is also gay, has had an incredible healing effect on me.

My advice is brief: don't focus on being or not being gay. Strive to be a great human being and you will love yourself as the most. A big hug, little man!

In the world there are no gays, lesbians, heteros ...

We love to tag everything. We love to classify, order, place ourselves in the place that belongs to us. And we love doing it with others: you are gay, you are a lesbian, you are straight, you are black, you are white, you are man, you are woman, you are, you are like, you ... and so we are breaking up and dividing populations until there are only a few people left who seem to agree. Well what a mess it was so much to classify ... we are forgetting that there is really nothing like that in the world, what there are people. People who live with other people, who talk and communicate in the same way and who feel, love and live, all of them wanting to be accepted as they are.

How bad we are doing If a child feels like a weirdo and cries for it, doesn't it? I've said it many times and today, again, I say it again: the rare ones are the rest. All those who are dedicated to having exclusive behaviors. Those who do not accept the differences. Those are the ones who should sit on a ladder, stop to think and, perhaps, let loose some tears while they say to themselves: "I am an intolerant and I am afraid of my future and of not accepting people."

By the way, I take this opportunity to remind you of this post that we published a few months ago and that comes up to this topic:

Do you think you have a different child than others and that scares you? Don't miss this excellent HollySiz video clip

Video: Basically I'm Gay (July 2024).