PregSense: a belt that will allow you to control your baby's condition before birth

In full fashion of the "weareables", those electronic devices capable of measuring the steps we take, the calories we burn and the hours we sleep, to name some of the variables that measure our body, pregnant women, which also bring surprise inside , they could not stay out.

The Israeli firm Nuvo Group has recently presented PregSense, a belt that will be on sale by the end of the year and allows you to control the state of the baby before birth. It will record the heart rate of the mother and the fetus, as well as movements, sleep status of the fetus and contractions.

It will have multisensors that just by placing the belt around the belly, it will capture the general condition of the baby in each week of pregnancy. This data will be stored in a database in the cloud, to which doctors who carry the pregnancy can access and detect any complications.

Of course, all the data can be consulted from an application for your mobile phone specially designed to take control of your pregnancy.

The company already has experience in this type of devices. It is the same that developed Rhythm, an atrial belt to stimulate the baby with music and sounds in pregnancy.

Are fetal monitors useful?

Like the rest of devices and applications for domestic use to see or hear the baby inside the womb, its use is nothing more than a curiosity. Although they serve to keep track of the baby's movements and heart rate, they do not replace prental controls at all.

I even think that sometimes more than reassuring moms, it can cause the opposite effect, that excess control over the baby can distress them. What if today has moved less than yesterday, that if the beats are not so strong or that if the belt was badly placed and the beats could not be heard.

There are women who are excited about and are willing to spend the 227 euros that the system will cost Ask yourself.