Stuffed animals as dangerous as Hitler, Gaddafi and Kim Jong-un in a campaign against childhood asthma

The stuffed animals seem harmless but can be very dangerous for the respiratory health of the little ones. This is what this effectist implies, and for many also controversial, advertising campaign of stuffed animals as dangerous as Adolf Hitler, Muammar Gaddafi or Kim Jong-un of the Norwegian Heart and Lung Association (HLH) for childhood asthma prevention.

He warns of the risks hidden by everyday objects with which children live in their own bedrooms, such as stuffed animals, if they are not washed regularly.

In Norway, the number of children with asthma and allergies has quadrupled in the last four decades. One of the main focuses of risk is in the houses themselves and more especially in stuffed animals, because of the dust they can accumulate if they are not cleaned properly. The campaign states that "for children, teddy bears can be as dangerous as the worst despots in the world."

Of course, the criticisms have not been made wait for the frivolity with which it compares harmless stuffed animals with personalities that have caused the death of millions of people. In any case, the campaign has managed to cause the impact it intended.


To prevent allergens in stuffed animals, the association recommends wash them at least four times a year at a temperature of 60 degreess.

Video: 10 Creepiest Stuffed Animals Ever (July 2024).