Seven "techniques" to relax during childbirth

It is perhaps the moment that most scares many women, the moment of giving birth, so transcendental, so emotional, so physical. Many fears accumulate around childbirth And we often ask ourselves: will I be able? Will it hurt a lot? What can I do to relax?

Precisely this last point we are going to deal with today, since you will be able to have your baby (as women have been throughout history) and, although it hurts, we can practice different activities to keep our body and mind as relaxed as possible, so that we can face the birth of the baby in a more positive way. These are seven techniques to relax during childbirth.

Accompanied in childbirth.

There are studies that have found that be accompanied at all times For a person of your choice increases well-being, improves health outcomes and considerably reduces the rate of all interventions, such as caesarean sections, the use of the epidural ... Being accompanied during childbirth can provide well-being to the future mother and although usually Being the couple who accompanies her, it can also be a friend, the mother ... It is about the pregnant woman choosing who she wants to be with her and offering continuous support at those times.

Freedom of movement during childbirth.

Being able to move freely during the birth process (Wandering around the room, swinging the pelvis, using the fitness ball that more and more hospitals are incorporating ...) will help the future mother to face the painful sensation. Perhaps the worst thing to relax right now is to be still looking at the same wall (and much more if you are immobilized). During contractions in the first phase of labor, if you are not monitored, take advantage of walking and you will be more relaxed.

The walk, walking, is an activity that releases endorphins and calms us, while with the pelvic swing we favor the opening of the cervix and the passage of the baby through the birth canal: walking shortens the first phase of labor, so that Do it while you can before entering the hospital and already in it, even in the hallway or in your ward.

Muscle relaxation techniques.

There are many mental relaxation techniques that go through being aware of each part of the body, from the feet to the head, contracting each muscle of the body while trying to leave the mind blank or moving to a place that transmits peace to us. If you have practiced this relaxation during pregnancy, it will be easier for you to do it right now.

Breathing is important.

In the childbirth preparation classes they teach us the importance of breathing when controlling or mitigating the pain of contractions in the active dilation phase. This, which has a physiological explanation, also helps our mind to be occupied in the final phase of childbirth, to become aware of our breathing, of us, to focus on maintaining a rhythm, listening to our body and helping us relax. Practicing breathing and relaxation techniques allows a decrease in muscle tension and provides tranquility.

Listen to music: a birth at a good pace.

Music accompanies us throughout life in many moments and acquires a very special meaning, activating or relaxing. Choose the music that relaxes you the most at the time of delivery, let your mind fly and transport you to a quieter place, without worries.

Listening to music can help decrease pain perception. At home, you will have no problem putting this music in the background and in the hospital try to have your companion carry those songs prepared so you can listen to them, if you wish, before giving birth. By the way, singing can also help you relax and cope with the pain of childbirth.

Hot water.

Putting a hot water bag on your back, soaking in a dilation bathtub (some hospitals already incorporate it) or taking a shower with hot water causes relaxation of muscles and joints, which achieves some analgesia and helps mitigate the pain caused by labor contractions. This relaxation decreases the production of adrenaline and the softening of the cervix is ​​favored.

A massage during childbirth.

Who does not like a massage at any time to relax, to rest to fall asleep. During childbirth, a massage of the feet, head, shoulders, massaging the sacrum area or any other area in tension can produce relaxation and decrease pain and anxiety. Especially between the contractions the massage can come in handy so that the mother feels more calm and relaxed. Mind you, ask before acting! And always gently ...

Of course, one or more of these women will work for each woman seven techniques to relax during childbirth. Legend has it that some pregnant women even fell asleep before having their baby. Was there anything that made you more relaxed when you gave birth? And to future moms, what would they like to try to calm down at this important moment?

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | Labor is approaching and these changes happen to you: calm, they are normal, Bradley's method of controlling pain during childbirth, Natural methods to relieve contraction pain

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