We're pregnant! Buying with a head to save space

The arrival of a baby home is synonymous with shopping. The room, the stroller, the bassinet, the clothes, the car seat, and many other products, go from being complete strangers to becoming a member more than one endless list of essentials. If you are pregnant, or are thinking of expanding the family, from Momentos Chicco we recommend that you buy with your head following these tips to get the most out of your acquisitions, thus saving space and money.

Purchase based on real needs

If we stop to think for a moment, a baby needs very few things in its first months of life. We could summarize them in: food, comfort, rest and protection. That is why to buy with a head should, first, make a list of those childcare products that are really necessary.

If we go a little lost, we can ask family and friends with young children what do they advise us, but we must not forget that each family has its own tastes and needs, and what some parents find very practical, for others it may end up becoming a useless object that accumulates dust in the storage room.

Another very appropriate formula before starting purchases is to stop at analyze how many months the baby will use that product specifically, assessing whether we should acquire a similar one but that can be used longer. For example, there are bathtubs in the market for newborns that may seem like a good option, a priori, but that, in practice, we will use very little time. If we compare with other alternatives, we will see that there are products that serve from 0 months to 3 or 4 years of age and whose choice will be more practical and economical in the medium and long term.

Something similar happens with hammocks, baby backpacks, blankets and play mats and other products that we buy almost without thinking. To get the most out of them it is convenient that let's plan our purchases very well.

Each thing at it's time

One of the most common mistakes of first-time parents is to buy things ahead of time. Under the pretext of "we already have it when the time comes" and with the aim of wanting the best for the future baby, We often buy products that will take several months to use. This is the case, for example, of baby's room, one of the first things we think about when we got pregnant. And it is probably the one that involves the largest outlay of money. Emotion invades us and we throw the house out the window to leave his perfect room for when the time comes. A beautiful crib, with a custom closet and chest of drawers to store all your clothes; we choose the curtains and the matching clothes; we paint it and decorate with care and care ...

It is true that the baby will need his own room, sooner or later, but we often forget that the first months, or maybe more, will be spent in the room with dad and mom, in a smaller crib where you feel protected. We may even, once born, choose to practice the colecho and your room is barely used.

Before jumping headlong to buy, It is worth reflecting a little on what we really need for when the baby is born (With a mini-cot or bassinet is more than enough) and the rest of furniture or accessories can be purchased later, depending on our needs. Otherwise, we can find a room decorated and occupied by furniture that is too childish that in a few years we will need to change again.

Little space? Choose versatile products

Space is one of the most precious and scarce assets in homes. If now that you are two you miss more square meters, when the baby arrives it can be a real headache. So that your day to day does not become an obstacle course, a good solution is choose versatile products or with various functionalities that will allow you to save space and be more comfortable in your home.

For example, when buying a highchair to eat, look closely at those that can be used from birth in a horizontal position, since in addition to using it when the baby starts complementary feeding, around 6 months, you can use it as a practical hammock for naps. Some, in addition, are ultra-folding and take up very little space, a factor to take into consideration if you live in a small flat.

If you buy a crib or bassinet to place it in your room at night, we recommend you look one with wheels that allows easy transport. Thus, when you are not in the bedroom you can move it comfortably to the living room and your baby will stay with you all the time, thus feeling safe and protected also during the day.

When buying the stroller, opt for those that are transformable, that is, in a single product and with simple steps you can move from the carrycot to the stroller. He DUO Urban Plus It is the compact Chicco cart that can be used as a carrycot from birth and, in the same structure and with rapid movements, it becomes a stroller that can be placed in both directions of the march, as seen in this video :

The DUO Urban Plus is customizable since there are several color packs to place on the black base. For the summer months, we can opt for more cheerful and colorful proposals such as the Chicco Summer Edition line.

Double use the products

Some of the items we buy for babies, as we have already said, are used very little time and we keep them practically new. To take advantage of them a little more we can lend them to friends and acquaintances (and conversely, ask if they can lend them to us for our baby). This can be for a few months or for a few days, which allows us try a certain product We doubt if it will suit us (or if our baby will like it) before buying it for good.

In the same way, as our little one grows, many things will fall into disuse. We have several options to give them a double use. We can keep them, if we plan to have more babies or a close relative is thinking about having it; we can donate them to charities or associations; or we can try to resell them to recover some of what we invested at the time.

As you can see, it's about simple and logical guidelines that are based on reflection and planning of shopping, not only during pregnancy, but throughout your children's childhood. Buy with head will allow you save space and gain practicality, while reducing expenses.

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