What would you do if you see a girl alone in the street? Invisible children and the bleak experiment of UNICEF

Unicef ​​has dared to do an experiment that makes us face to face with the reality of a society full of prejudices. A video to raise awareness about the harsh reality faced by millions of children living in poverty in the world every day. And that unfortunately they are invisible to the eyes of others.

What would you do if you see a girl alone in the street? We would all respond that help her, find her parents, call the police ... what any coherent human being would do. But as we can see in this bleak experiment of UNICEF, the attitude of others may change depending on the way you dress and what the girl looks like.

The results of the experiment "have not been very encouraging," says UNICEF. If you watch the video right away you will see why. Anano is a 6-year-old actress who has been characterized first as a seemingly resourceful, well-dressed and neat girl who is alone in the street. When they see her, people approach her to help her, believing she has been lost.

But what happens when that same girl wanders the street with her face and hair dirty and dressed in rags? People reject it, or worse, they don't even look at it. Some even think that it will rob them.

An obvious and unfair inequality for millions of children facing a life of poverty and lack of opportunities.

In Spain, about 30% of Spanish children are at risk of poverty or exclusion. More than two million children live below the poverty line, a sad reality that we have closer than we imagine. It is a good opportunity to react to a situation that concerns us all, the authorities, of course, but also us as a society.

Video: Mother leaves 8-year-old son alone at the beach l What Would You Do? (July 2024).