Before and after the first day of school, does your child also happen?

In a few days the children will return to the classroom, and although not everyone has the same enthusiasm for the beginning of the course, the return to school is a very special moment for the little ones, especially if they start a new stage.

The first day of school leaves us endearing images of our children in the face of this new beginning, like these photos taken by Kelly O'Brien to her 5-year-old daughter, Franky Meyer. He took a picture before leaving home and another when he returned getting off the bus after your first day of school. She is impeccable and overflowing with joy and returns something ... tired, does your son also happen?

First day of school

The first day is not easy. Neither is it for adults who return to work, so imagine what a full day of activities at school means after a three-month vacation.

It is normal, they are hairstyles, to the nines, excited and eager to meet their new teacher, reunite with friends and meet new friends. At the end of the day, the excitement has passed and they return home exhausted to tell us everything they have experienced on their first day. It also happens to my daughters, especially the little girl who finds it hard to get used to the early risers. It comes out as a brush and becomes worse than the girl in the photo.

The girl was very excited about the idea of ​​meeting her new friends and returning home by bus. When he got off the bus, his mother caught just an expression on his face that seemed to be very serious, but the truth is that he returned very happy for the new friends he had made, his mother says.

The photo is actually from last year on her first day of preschool, but the mother shared it again two days ago to remember that nice moment.

How to help them adapt to school

Your support and understanding will be essential for the return to school. Especially, if you have not gone to school before, you will encounter a new world that is very likely to provoke you anxiety and insecurity.

Try to let your child accompany you during the first few days, at least for a couple of hours. The security provided by the parent company will help you better adapt to the nursery school.

It is important that we talk to them every day about how school has gone. We must accompany them and pay attention to their attitudes to identify what is happening to them.

Video: How to Survive High School: The First Day (July 2024).