A Jewish nurse breastfeeds a Palestinian baby whose mother was injured in an accident

In full wave of violence that comes through the media, the YnetNews newspaper echoed a story that makes us reconcile a little with humanity.

Children are completely oblivious to conflict and hatred, they only expect the simplest that can be expected, that their needs be met. When a nine-month-old Palestinian baby whose mother was injured in an accident was crying from hunger, a Jewish nurse did not hesitate to breastfeed her.

Her parents and the girl traveled in a car when suffered an accident which ended the father's life and left his mother seriously injured in the head.

Fortunately, the baby suffered only minor injuries and was taken to the emergency room, but since her mother could not breastfeed, and despite trying for seven hours to bottle-feed her, the girl refused to take it.

As with most babies, the only thing they have taken in their lives is their mother's breast, the girl did not accept anything else and increasingly cried more and more, to the despair and helplessness of the aunts who were in charge .

It was then that the aunts asked Ula Ostrowski-Zak, a pediatric nurse at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, what they could do. And her, who in turn is a nursing mother, replied that she would gladly breastfeed the baby.

He fed him five times a day, pausing at work to feed the girl.

"Her aunts hugged me and thanked me. They were very surprised and told me that many Jewish women would not agree to breastfeed a Palestinian baby they don't even know," said the nurse.

When the nurse went home, the aunts wondered who would feed the baby, but Ula herself took care of publishing the matter in a La Liga de Leche Facebook group and the reactions were immediate. After two hours they had already found mothers willing to donate their milk or even travel to feed it. Meanwhile, they kept trying unsuccessfully for the girl to accept the bottle until she found a solution.

Her mother is still in serious condition, and the baby will soon be discharged from the hospital, but at least it is reassuring to know that she will continue to receive breast milk thanks to the solidarity of several women. And of course, of the Jewish nurse who did not hesitate at first to offer her breast.

Video: Israeli Nurse Breastfeeding a Palestinian Baby (June 2024).