The first girl free of a gene that causes breast cancer is born

His mother suffered breast cancer when he was 29, and now Paloma is the first girl in Spain who was born free of the gene that was most likely to inherit in her DNA.

He arrived in the world on August 31 at the Quirón Hospital in A Coruña, but before that, the Ron Group of the Gynecology and Human Reproduction Unit of the center had established a medical procedure to prevent it from carrying the genetic mutation that was about 70 percent chance of inheriting.

When the mother was diagnosed with cancer, doctors advised her to freeze her eggs because chemotherapy could affect her fertility. Once she was discharged from the tumor, three years later, she wanted to be a mother and considered defrosting her eggs, but she was afraid that her baby could inherit the cancer and go through what she had been through.

Then, they proposed him to defrost his oocytes (with authorization of the National Commission of Assisted Reproduction), to carry out an in vitro fertilization and, then to carry out a preimplantation genetic diagnosis, that is to say to study them and select those who did not have the mutation in the BRCA1 gene, the most aggressive of those linked to the risk of suffering a breast tumor, before its transfer to the uterus.

They found that only 25 percent of the embryos were free of the mutation and the study of embryologists allowed, in addition, to rule out other chromosomal abnormalities.

"We only detect those who do not carry the bad gene, we do not alter anything," says the medical team.

Via | The voice of Galicia
In Babies and more | The first baby free of hereditary breast cancer is born

Video: Is Breast Cancer Inherited From Mother Or Father? (July 2024).