Exercises on the floor and in water during pregnancy, which are better? A study tells us

Exercising during pregnancy is beneficial for mom and baby, as long as there is no risk. But what are the best exercises to perform when you are pregnant?

A recent international study analyzed and compared exercises during pregnancy to find out which ones were better to prevent obesity and gestational diabetes.

Researchers from the Polytechnic University of Madrid conducted a comparative analysis of three clinical studies conducted in hospitals in Madrid and Buenos Aires, in which 568 pregnant women participated, to Know the effectiveness of exercises in soil, water and mixed (soil and water) in the control of overweight and diabetes prevention during pregnancy.

It was found that the most effective exercises to avoid excess weight gain during pregnancy were floor exercises, where only 20% of the participants exceeded their weight gain. Instead, For the prevention of gestational diabetes, the combination of exercises in soil and water were the most effective.

Exercise in pregnancy: yes, but with caution

Performing activity during pregnancy is beneficial for all women, as long as they follow the doctor's instructions. Before starting or continuing with any pregnancy exercise routine, it is extremely important that you approve.

Remember that every pregnancy is different, even if in a previous pregnancy you exercised without any problem, it is essential that you have the approval of your doctor, as well as taking into account some precautions:

It is recommended avoid intense or impact exercise, especially when the weather is wet and hot. To avoid bumps, it is better to exercise on wood floors or with carpet. Drink plenty of fluids. It is essential to prevent dehydration and, above all, be very careful not to get tired.

Some of the most appropriate exercises for pregnancy include walking and yoga. For any questions, Remember that the most important thing is to always consult your doctor to know your own abilitiesWell, every woman is different.

Photos | iStock
Via | The vanguard
In Babies and more | Exercising during pregnancy when suffering from obesity helps prevent complications

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