Positive and negative thoughts: the roller coaster of emotions you may feel during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most complex experiences we can live as women. And it is that, it is a stage in which we are flooded by all kinds of emotions to see that our body is transformed to give us a baby, which It makes us filled with enthusiasm but also with many doubts and fears.

During pregnancy, all these changes are visible in our body, but what about our emotions? Is what we think and feel normal? We tell you today about that roller coaster of emotions you can feel during pregnancy.

A stage full of changes

Pregnancy is a true roller coaster of emotions thanks to the effect of hormones on our mood and the changes we see in our body month after month. And is that, How not to feel this way, with how much our lives will change in the coming months and years?

From the moment we know we are waiting for a baby, emotions begin to manifest and invade little by little, one by one. On the one hand, we can be full of enthusiasm, happy and excited for this new pregnancy. And on the other, we can be fearful and nervous about this new adventure that we have begun.

In the course of pregnancy, our brain is experiencing various changes, which will help us to better care for the baby when it arrives. Some time ago we shared how with these changes in pregnancy, the rational part of our brain is slightly diminished to become more empathetic and more responsible with our babies.

This makes it definitely during pregnancy we become more sensitive and perceive many things differently. There will be times when we will cry for very silly reasons or we will be glad things that in other circumstances might seem insignificant.

Your emotions become a mess

In addition to this increase in sensitivity, something that many of us may feel confused can happen to us: extreme mood swings from one moment to another. And is that with the butt hormones, hopefully we have that roller coaster of emotions.

One day, we can wake up with great joy, radiant with our pregnant belly and very hopeful about the future that is to come and we think things like: "I can't wait to meet my baby" or "I feel great". Another day, however, from the moment we set foot outside the bed we are apathetic, reluctant and even sad. "How bad I look," "I wish I didn't feel so bad," or "I wish I could do this or that," are some of the thoughts we may have. Everything seems overwhelming, we feel tired and suddenly find ourselves crying on any given afternoon.

If you feel identified with these examples, don't be overwhelmed, that all those changes in your mood are completely normal. Many mothers feel guilty for not feeling radiant and happy throughout their pregnancy, but the truth is that each woman lives it differently, and for many, it is not the beautiful experience they expected. So yes, it is normal to feel bad or feel discouraged from time to time, especially if during your pregnancy there is a complication.

I tell you my particular case. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was full of illusions, I would finally be a mother! But I had read so many things about how wonderful pregnancy was, that when I had to stay in bed for about a month and a half due to a complication, I felt terrible. I collapsed and thought, "Why does this happen to me? Why can't I have a pretty pregnancy like everyone else?". Perhaps you also came to have these thoughts, somewhat negative and driven by our hormones of pregnant women.

In my case, although it was full of fears in the end everything went well, but I know of women who remember their pregnancies as the worst moment of their lives, and it is no reason to feel bad or guilty. Everyone lives it differently! That mixture of negative and positive thoughts is simply a natural part of the whole process that our body goes through for nine months..

And if I feel bad, what do I do?

Now, although feeling bad emotionally during pregnancy is normal when it happens occasionally, but yes we must take care of our emotional health during this important stage. Remember that certain emotional problems, such as stress, can affect the baby if it accumulates and reaches a high degree.

Some time ago we shared a study in which it had been found that when the mother was sad, depressed or lived a very strong emotional event in pregnancy, the neuronal activity of your brain is modified generating chemical changes that reach the baby through the bloodstream, causing an effect similar to what happens with drugs or alcohol.

What can you do if you feel bad? If it's just small moments, you can resort to certain activities to improve your mood. A prenatal massage, listening to soft music or walking and taking some fresh air, are some things that can help you relax. Staying with friends, going to the movies or giving yourself a little craving, are also ways of raising your mood.

And in the event that it seems to you that all the time you feel discouraged or sad, it is best to ask for support from those around you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help when we need itOn the contrary, it means that you want to work on yourself to improve as a woman and mother.

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