Your son is special and unique: 13 movies that will help him feel (even more) extraordinary

Just as every relationship between mother and son is a world, Every child is unique and different. But there are other children, who are even more so, because they are small people who stand out or stand out from the rest, because of their personality or some particular characteristic.

If your child, or a child you know, sounds like something like one of these unique and different little people, we share 13 movies that will help you feel even more extraordinary.

In some cases, when a child is different from the others, he usually feels isolated or like the "weirdo". However, this should not be so, since each one has peculiarities that make them special, and this is something that should be celebrated.

The films that we will share below show us children and teenagers with personalities or characteristics that make them different from the rest, but that they give us great lessons on how wonderful it can be to distinguish yourself from others.


This film, which is probably a childhood classic for many of us, tells us the story of Matilda, a girl who has been of superior intelligence since a very young age. Despite the different adversities and misunderstanding of her family to realize that she is not like them, Matilda does not give up until she fulfills her dream of attending a real school.

Wonder (Extraordinary)

This emotional and inspiring film tells the story of Auggie, a boy who was born with a facial malformation and for which his parents prevented him from attending a normal school. After all those years at home and entering and leaving hospitals, Auggie will attend school for the first time.

It is undoubtedly a story that invites us to reflect, in which we can see how from his family to his new classmates, they learn about inclusion and compassion, making Auggie's peculiar personality unite them, showing that more than "being one more", he was destined to excel.

Ramona and her sister (Ramona and Beezus)

Ramona is a girl with an impressive imagination, so much so that she is often misunderstood by her classmates and her teacher, who shows a somewhat strict and square personality. Her family's life changes when her father is suddenly fired from her job, and she tries to find a way to help her, although things don't always go as planned and she gets into more trouble.

After different difficult moments and great changes that will affect the life of her family, her older sister Beatriz, whom she calls Beezus, seeing that Ramona is sad despite having tried everything says something very important: It's not bad to be different, be your own person and color outside the lines.

Billy Elliot

In the decade of the 80, during a mining strike in which his father and his older brother, Billy Elliot are bored and failing in their boxing classes. By a chance of fate, he meets a ballet class, which immediately catches his attention.

The teacher, seeing Billy's potential, begins to teach her ballet in secret, while her family thinks she goes to her boxing classes. In the movie we can see how he faces various difficulties and impediments to choose something different from what others expected of him, but with the support of his teacher and his best friend, as well as his perseverance and effort, he manages to obtain an important audition that will completely change his future.

Where the monsters live

Max is a child who feels lonely and misunderstood by his family. After a strong discussion with his sister and his mother, he decides to run away from home in a small boat, entering a world that exists in his imagination. Finally, he arrives on an island full of monsters, in which he convinces them that he is the king and has special powers.

In the end, things don't turn out as Max believed and being king is not as easy as I imagined, so after this experience, he decides to return home, where problems with his family no longer seem so complex, who receive him with open arms.

Finding Nemo

In this animated and ideal movie for the little ones, we meet Nemo, a little fish that after an unfortunate incident with his family lives only with his father Marlin. But Nemo is not like any fish. In addition to being a survivor, one of his aletitas is smaller than normal, which makes him different from others.

Marlin exaggeratedly protects Nemo after what happened, and after embarrassing him one day at school, the little one escapes and is captured by a dentist, who takes him to his office and places him in an aquarium with other fish, with whom he learns To trust their abilities. It is undoubtedly a children's classic in which father and son learn great lessons.

A bridge to Terabithia (The magical world of Terabithia)

Jess is a lonely boy who loves to draw, is the only male child in the family and feels misunderstood, because he believes his family doesn't pay attention to him. At school, he meets Leslie, an outgoing girl who loves to invent stories.

They immediately connect and their friendship leads them to unite their talents to invent an imaginary world called Terabithia which can only be accessed by swinging with a rope over a stream. They spend every afternoon in their imaginary place facing enemies and proving their courage.

Jess understands that he is a brave and talented boy capable of creating and imagining, and his self-esteem and confidence grows thanks to his friendship Leslie. Together they live many adventures and Show us that we all have something special, you just have to find out.

Wolf children

After falling in love with the last werewolf in Japan, Hana has two children who are half human, half werewolves: a girl named Yuki and a boy named Ame. Due to a tragic event, the children's father dies and now Hana must take care of them alone and protect their true nature from the rest of the people.

Each of them tends to go to the side: Yuki is more human and Ame is more wolf. With the passage of time both they learn to know each other better and identify and accept their own nature, each of them with their own extraordinary personality.

The odd life of Timothy Green

Cindy and Jim Green were a happy marriage trying to start a family, however, after knowing they could not have children they decided to bury a wish box. That same night, a mysterious boy with leaves that leave his feet called Timothy appears in his house, which begins to be part of their lives and comes to fill them with magic.

Together they will learn to be a family, while Cindy and Jim will be able to know their abilities to be parents and know how far they are able to get by keeping their family together. At the same time, Timothy meets Joni, another girl with special characteristics who becomes a great companion. It is a film full of magic, in which illusions and hope are present, in addition to assessing the differences of each person.

A place to dream (A zoo at home)

Inspired by the memories of a father, he tells the story of how after being a widower and only with his two children, he decides to buy a zoo that was practically in ruins. With the help of their children and the zoo employees, they will begin to work together to repair it, making this challenge a new start for their family.

An exceptional gift

Mary is an eight-year-old girl who has an intelligence superior to children her age and shows it to her teacher on the first day of school. Derived from this, she is offered a scholarship in a private school for gifted children like her, however her uncle Frank, who is her tutor, rejects this opportunity, as she had promised her sister, Mary's mother and a brilliant math , that the girl would lead a normal life.

Evelyn, Mary's grandmother appears on the scene after years of not knowing anything about her and begins a legal battle between Frank and Evelyn for the custody of the child, because she wants her granddaughter to attend a school where she can show her true potential.

Nim Island

Little Nim and her father Jack are the only inhabitants of a remote and exotic island. Because they live alone, Nim has made imaginary friends and the company of their pets so as not to feel lonely or bored. After an incident in which his father is trapped in the sea and feeling that the island is in danger, Nim manages to contact Alexandra, an introverted writer, creator of the books of Alex Rover, an adventurer who is the opposite to its author.

After explaining what happened to his father, Nim convinces Alexandra to go to the island to help him, overcoming many of his fears, which will lead them to live fantastic adventures together.

Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children (Miss Peregrine and peculiar children)

Jacob Portman grew up listening to his grandfather's incredible stories about peculiar children. After his death and in an attempt to deal with the nightmares that have plagued him since then, he decides to travel to the island and investigate the grandfather's past and the stories he told him.

When you get there, discover an orphanage where very special children live, with unusual abilities, who are protected by Miss Peregrine, a magical guardian and director of the orphanage. There Jacob will not only meet and help protect each of these extraordinary characters, but he will discover that he also has a peculiarity.

Video: The Greatest Movie Plot Twists Of All Time (July 2024).