Decalogue about baby clothes

The experience as a mother has taught me that some clothes can be very beautiful but not practical at all. That is why I have written 10 commandments of my preferences about baby dress which, first and foremost, should be comfortable for children and practice for mothers. Will I be a little maniacal or are there other mothers faithful to these precepts?

1) use only cotton and wool clothing that does not release lint. Synthetic fibers can cause irritation. 2) will not wear shoes with laces. They stumble upon unleashing; the closure of button or button are more practical. 3) you will prefer bodies to t-shirts. Lifting them, the shirts rise, leaving the belly in the air. 4) you will not buy short socks for the same as in the previous precept. The pants are raised and the legs are exposed. 5) you will not wear pants without brooches on the legs. The others are a nuisance to change diapers. 6) you will buy hooded coats. The caps do not last more than two seconds. 7) you will prefer metal brooches to plastic ones. In an oversight the plates and do not turn on more. 8) only wear pants with adjustable waist, the typical with elastic and buttons. The others may look good but be embedded in the gut. 9) you will choose non-ironing clothes, that is, if it can not be ironed, the better. 10) sleep with pajamas with foot included. The socks slip between the sheets.

Video: The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone & Target's Gender-Neutral Pillow Fort. SYSK Internet Roundup (July 2024).