Mom-mom and dad-dad: what options do gay couples who want to have children have (with prices)

Forming a family is the dream of many gay couples and medicine has made great strides to realize the desire to have children to same-sex couples.

There are many mom-mom and dad-dad couples who wonder what are the options they have to start a family. We will address the medical options they have, in addition to the adoption option, that each couple will value.

Mom and mom

Artificial insemination with donor semen (IAD)

A donor's sperm is previously selected and inserted into the uterus of one of the mothers at the time of ovulation.

A soft ovarian stimulation procedure is performed that allows you to control the time of ovulation to schedule insemination and increase the chances of pregnancy success. Your cost, between 900 and 1,300 euros.

In vitro fertilization with donor semen

One of the two mothers undergoes an ovarian stimulation to obtain several ovules through an ovarian puncture. Once the ovules are fertilized in the laboratory, in vitro fertilization with sperm from a donor is introduced into the mother's uterus to get a pregnancy. The procedure costs between 3,800 and 5,100 euros.

CLOTHING Method (Receiving ovules from the couple)

This method allows both mothers to participate in the pregnancy process. One of them provides the ovules and the other receives the fertilized ovules and carries out pregnancy and childbirth.

One of the women undergoes a process of ovarian stimulation (by subcutaneous hormonal injections for 12-15 days) and a follicular puncture for the extraction of the ovules. An in vitro fertilization with donor sperm is carried out with them and between 5 and 6 days later the resulting embryo is transferred to the uterus of the pregnant woman. This is prepared to receive the embryos and is the one who will carry the pregnancy and give birth to the baby.

From the legal point of view, in order to perform the ROPA method, women must be married, since otherwise it could be understood as a donation of non-anonymous eggs, something that is not allowed. The price of treatment is between 4,000 and 5,200 euros.


Adoption is another alternative that many couples of homosexual women shuffle, but logically their child will not share the genetic burden of any of them. Here one of the key issues is the time it can take to make an adoption a reality from the start of the procedure until you can finally have your child with you.

As for prices, national adoption in Spain has no cost, while international adoption, depending on the country chosen, ranges from 4,000 and 30,000 euros, not counting flights or accommodation.

Dad and dad


In the case of two men, a donor's egg is needed to be fertilized by the sperm of one of them. Once fertilized, it must be transferred to a woman who carries out the pregnancy and gives birth to the baby.

The Surrogacy is the only way for two men to have a child who shares at least half of their genetic load with any of his parents.

It is a practice that is not allowed in Spain, so many couples travel to countries where it is regulated such as the United States (not in all states), Canada, Greece, Russia and Ukraine. In terms of costs, the variation is very wide, depending on the country chosen can range between 26,000 and 200,000 euros including medical techniques, legal advice, agency management, etc.


As we said before, homoparental families also have the option of adopting a child both nationally and internationally. Having children is not a matter of sexes, today the possibilities are widened for gay couples who want to live the experience of parenthood.

Video: 5 Gay Parenting Myths. What the Stuff?! (July 2024).