Lack of appetite during pregnancy

Some future moms may feel lack of appetite during pregnancy and the causes can be varied, the mood, some discomfort such as constipation or even a small infection, can be some of them. All this can lead to poor nutrition that can affect your baby and your person.

There are some tips that are very useful to prevent appetite during pregnancy, for example, do not eat too much at once, it is better to make small shots so that you do not feel satiety. It also works very well to try several types of food so that appetite is stimulated, this option will also enrich the variety of your diet. The idea of ​​respecting the daily hours you usually eat should be buried at the moment, that is, eat whenever you have an appetite. Try to eat in a pleasant and accompanied environment, as this will make your meal more enjoyable. Promoting the desire to eat with a little exercise is also a technique that usually works.

To avoid loss of appetite, it is also preferable to drink liquids outside of meals, since the stomach space must be used for food. A good diet that is balanced and with a wide variety of foods is one of the bases to try to alleviate the possible lack of appetite.

Video: Loss of Appetite During Pregnancy (May 2024).