Wearing glasses is a nuisance

If the eye doctor has resolved that our child needs wear glasses, you may not accept them even though we explain the importance they have, both for the health of your eyes and for you to have a better vision. To convince you, we can try to use a series of tricks that will make you think and perhaps access without any qualms to use the glasses you need.

First of all we must ensure that the glasses are unbreakable, so our son will not live in addition with the fear that they may fall and break accidentally. Although it may not seem like it, it is a small trauma depending on the parents who, given this type of accident, put the cry in the sky for the money invested in them, so that they are unbreakable is a good solution.

The frame of the glasses should be light and at the same time resistant to shocks, depending on the age of the child, the blows are something habitual, in addition you have to think that it is an object that you have to wear in your face and get used to it, it is not easy. Involving the child in the choice of glasses is highly recommended, since if you must wear them, it is better to like them in terms of appearance and color. When they are young they may not have a great sense of aesthetics, but that should not worry us, the really important thing is that you take them and feel comfortable with them. We as parents have to abide by the child's preference, this leads to a better assimilation when wearing the glasses.

Trying to make known famous, real and cartoon characters who wear glasses is also highly recommended, it is a way for the child to identify the use of glasses with something everyday, that even the most famous characters wear them, as is the case with Harry Potter.

First of all, when communicating to the child that he has to wear glasses, the eye doctor can be a great asset and greatly influence the authority denoted by this specialist. As it is not the first time you have to convince a child to put on the glasses, you may have the right words.

Video: UV Lens Filters: Necessary or Nuisance? (July 2024).